How to Avoid Going Stir Crazy During COVID-19 Quarantine 

Don’t Let the Coronavirus Make You Go Stir Crazy

As the COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus, sweeps the globe, experts and government officials continue to recommend that people stay home and curb all non-essential travel and outings. But if you’re an extroverted individual who needs to be out and about, your biggest concern may be going stir crazy.

7 Tips to Avoid Going Stir Crazy

The term “stir crazy” originally referred to 20th-century inmates who became mentally unstable after prolonged incarceration in a small cell. Today, we use it to describe anyone who tires of being at home in isolation for a long period of time.

Symptoms of stir craziness include boredom, anxiety, agitation, frustration, feelings of helplessness, and the urge to make risky decisions.

If you’re worried about being stuck at home for days or weeks at a time, it’s a good idea to create a proactive plan to keep you from going stir crazy. Here are a few suggestions:

  1.     Stick to a Schedule

One of the worst parts about being quarantined at home is that it disrupts the rhythm of your daily schedule. And even if you don’t consider yourself to be a very regimented person, you’ll quickly realize just how crucial systems and processes are in your life.

The best thing you can do is stick to a schedule. Set your alarm and wake up at a reasonable time each morning. Follow a morning routine. Demarcate your day into time slots. You don’t have to be strict, but small measures go a long way in keeping you sane.

  1.     Escape in a Book

Even if you aren’t an avid reader under normal circumstances, you may enjoy getting lost in a book. It’s amazing how quickly you can get lost in a story and forget about what’s happening around you. Try it!

  1.     Binge Watch a TV Show

Reading is fun and enjoyable, but it also requires some manual effort. Feel free to supplement your reading with some Netflix binge-watching. This is the perfect time to watch all of those shows that people have told you about for years. (Just make sure you take a break between episodes. Spending consecutive hours on the sofa isn’t the best idea.)

  1.     Spend Time in the Backyard

If you live in an apartment or high-rise condo, you have limited options. But if you live in a single-family residential property, what’s keeping you from spending some time outside in the backyard? Some fresh air will do you good.

Now is the perfect time of year to enjoy an outdoor fireplace. Or maybe you want to get the kids together and play a little basketball in the driveway? These are totally safe options, granted you aren’t directly interacting with other people.

  1.     Get Some Exercise

Stir craziness is made worse when you’re inactive and stationary. You can avoid exacerbating matters by getting some exercise. Whether it’s bodyweight exercises in the living room, yoga in the backyard, or a jog through your neighborhood, getting your heart rate up is an excellent way to stay refreshed.

  1.     FaceTime With Friends

You might not be able to attend Wednesday trivia night at the local watering hole, but this doesn’t mean you have to totally ignore your friends. A nightly FaceTime call or group video chat can help you stay connected. It’ll raise your spirits and make you realize that everyone is in this together.

  1.     Learn a New Skill

You always complain about how you don’t have time to learn new things or try your hand at a new hobby. Why not now?

Thanks to YouTube, it’s possible to learn almost any skill over the internet. And if it’s something you can do from home, you can always order a few items on Amazon and get started.

Use This Time Wisely

Is there fear and uncertainty in the air? Certainly.

Do you need to panic? Absolutely not.

The point of quarantine is to keep yourself isolated from people who are sick or could potentially be sick. If you’re at home with other healthy individuals, your chances of catching the Coronavirus are slim to none. So rather than spend your downtime watching fear-mongering news broadcasters, why not make the most out of it?



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