Five Reasons Why Liberals Should Vote Libertarian


2. Equality of Opportunity =/= Equality of Outcome

Far too often, liberals will claim that libertarians and other free marketeers are simply after their own personal bottom line. And while there is a kernel of truth to that, it should be noted that capitalism is the only known system that takes advantage of innate human self-interest and transforms it into altruistic results for our fellow men. The only way a CEO can turn a profit in a truly free, competitive market is by providing a service that benefits and helps the masses.

Following that concept, equal opportunity is what breeds such competition and innovation; this by no means guarantees that the same end result awaits everyone who enters the same field, hobby, or other life venture. It is by default meant to work that way, yet ironically, that it is the only way true equality can be achieved. Forcing an equally median outcome for scads of workers who all put in varying qualities of work and effort is not fair at all; making sure the system isn’t rigged in the first place so that everyone starts off with the same opportunities? That is true equality and freedom. It’s in the spirit of liberalism to support such a push, and that is precisely what the Libertarian Party is fighting to bring back into policy.

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