Why This Filipino-American Millennial Is Voting for Gary Johnson

It’s Time for A Third Choice

by Elias J. Atienza

I am a Filipino-American millennial. I’m voting in my first presidential election this year and unfortunately for my generation, the two party system chose Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. I cannot put into words what my disgust is for both of these candidates are.

But I’m going to try.

Donald Trump is the crazy man. He has managed to convince a good portion of America that banning Muslims, violating the Constitution, and building a wall will fix America’s problems. His platform of economic nationalism and anti-free trade, along with refusing to conduct meaningful spending reform shows how far the Republican Party has left their message of limited government. His support for authoritarian ideas and respect for authoritarians like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un should be an instant red flag to anyone who supports freedom, liberty, and the Constitution.

Hillary Clinton is the corruption. She has managed to build on the fear of a President Trump, entrapping people who would never vote for her. Her platform of economic nationalism, anti-free trade, along with refusing to conduct meaningful spending reform shows how far left the Democratic Party has become. She and her foundation have made millions off of her pay to play scheme while she was Secretary of State and her foreign policy has lead to the current mess in the Middle East.

Unlike Trump, she has an actual record of doing all of the things accused of her. At least Trump will flip-flop like a pancake and make Romney look like a constitutional conservative.

Both of them are everything that is wrong with America.

I refuse to vote for borderline fascism in Trump. I refuse to vote for a corrupt politician in Clinton.

I refuse to vote for a man who called the Philippines a terrorist nation. I refuse to vote for a woman who accepted millions of dollars to her foundation from tyrannical nations when she was Secretary of State.

While I wax and wane at the state of our nominees, people instantly accuse you of either supporting Trump or Clinton if you plan of voting for a third party candidate. The Democratic Party is spending millions of dollars to remind you that they suck. The Republican Party is trying to convince voters that they may be bad, but Clinton is worse.

America is supposed to be the shining city on the hill, an example for what the world should strive to be. We laid out a document which is the foundation of liberty and freedom for most countries constitutions. We fought against the evils of slavery. We helped free the world from the sea of fascism which swallowed Europe hole. We helped defend Europe and Asia from the red menace.

Now,  it seems we are bent on joining the sea of fascism and becoming the red menace.

It would be easy to moan at the terrible state of politics in our country. It is much easier to complain than to offer actual solutions to the problems we face. But, luckily for us, we have a solution.

The solution is voting for Gary Johnson.

Gary Johnson is the only third party candidate on the ballot in all fifty states. He has the support of a lot of my fellow millennials. A recent poll in Virginia found that 27 percent of millennials supported him while 15 percent of respondents supported him statewide.

As a millennial, I’ve sat through fifteen years of war as an observer. I watched as a four year old as the Twin Towers crumbled to the ground on 9/11. I watched as a six year old as President Bush sent hundreds of thousands of troops into Iraq. I watched as an eleven year old as President Obama was elected and promised a reversal of Bush’s foreign policy.

I watched as a fourteen year old as President Obama bombed Libya and armed Syrian rebels. I watched as a seventeen year old as ISIS exploded into Iraq and Syria with Obama arming more jihadists. I watched as an eighteen year old as both parties promised to continue the failed foreign policy of the last fifteen years.

Now I watch as a nineteen year old as Clinton wants a more hawkish tone towards Russia and Syria by promising a no-fly zone and Trump echo Cruz on carpet bombing Syria. They both promise hawkishness with Clinton promising a war with Russia and Trump promising a war with Iran.

Johnson represents a step back from the failed foreign policy of Trump and Clinton.

As Gary Johnson writes in The New York Times:

Mrs. Clinton wants to continue a muddled mix of intervention, regime change, and bombing campaigns. That approach brought us Syria, Iraq, Libya, and failed nation-building in Afghanistan. Our troops and and the American people deserve clear objectives, with a well-drawn distinction between defense and futile interventions. And our troops deserve authorization from Congress for their activities overseas, an important detail that falls from the wayside.

As a millennial, I care about our nation’s future. I don’t want to see my generation be sucked into more endless wars in the Middle East. I want to see our debt crisis solved. We are twenty trillion in debt and both Trump and Clinton are promising to increase spending like never before.

As a minority, I want to see the racial divide in our country healed. I don’t want white people to be guilted for spinning the genetic lottery and being gifted white pigmentation. They face struggles like any other American.

At the same time I also don’t want to see black and brown people being sent to jail more often than my white and Asian counterparts. I want to see to the end of the War on Drugs and the criminalization of marijuana, instead of a promise to “law and order” which violates our constitutional rights.

Where is our representation? Why should I be stuck with Clinton or Trump?

Americans need a third choice.

Gary Johnson is the third choice. He’s the only honest candidate in the entire race, someone who won’t lie to your face and won’t continue to foster divisions in this nation.

He’s the only candidate who will govern within the limits of the Constitution and the only candidate who can bridge the divide.

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