Fear & Loathing Of Guns In Menlo Park?
MENLO PARK, CA – Sources disclosed that under pressure from anti-Second Amendment groups Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action, Facebook is considering banning gun-themed pages. [contextly_auto_sidebar id=”VCyPB1b9c1K4DGXfdjzqb50r4PSRdWF0″]
The attempt to silence firearm-themed pages comes in response to a recent outcry that Facebook users were communicating through the site in the process of purchasing and selling firearms. Although Facebook is not a party to any private firearm transactions, the petition’s goal it for “Facebook [to] get out of the gun business.”
In response, a Facebook spokesman said that “You can’t buy things on Instagram and Facebook, nor can you promote the sale or use of weapons in advertising. We encourage people who come across any illegal activity to report it to us.”
Silencing those with which you do not agree is hardly a new tactic by anti-constitutional extremists. MDA founder Shannon Watts has a history of crushing dissent within her movement, especially when people point out inconvenient facts that fail to comport with her established dogma.