Donald Trump On Howard Stern: It’s Okay To Call Ivanka A “Piece Of Ass”

By Kody Fairfield

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump embraces his daughter Ivanka after she delivered a speech on the final night of the Republican National Convention at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio on July 21, 2016. / AFP / Jim WATSON (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump embraces his daughter Ivanka after she delivered a speech on the final night of the Republican National Convention at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio on July 21, 2016. / AFP / Jim WATSON (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)

After the reveal of a 2005 hot mic recording of Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump essentially laughing off sexual assault with then Access Hollywood host and Bush family member, Billy Bush, other comments from his past are facing increase scrutiny. And rightfully so.

As reported by CNN, over the course of a 17 year relationship with with shock jock radio host, Howard Stern, audio of Trump using more crude and vulgar language speaking about women, including his daughter has come to light.

CNN reports:

Among the topics Trump discussed: his daughter Ivanka’s physique, having sex with women on their menstrual cycles, threesomes, and checking out of a relationship with women after they turn 35.

Trump can be heard discussing his daughter, Ivanka, with Stern on multiple occasions. Uptaking in conversations about her physique, and more explicitly her breasts.

In an October 2006 interview, Stern remarks that Ivanka “looks more voluptuous than ever,” and asked if she had gotten breast implants. Trump is willing to engage in the discussion about his own daughter, telling Stern that she did not get implants.
“She’s actually always been very voluptuous,” Trump responds. “She’s tall, she’s almost 6 feet tall and she’s been, she’s an amazing beauty.”

In another interview from 2004, Stern even asks Trump if it is appropriate to call Ivanka a, “piece of ass.” To which Trump responded, “yeah.”
“By the way, your daughter,” says Stern.
“She’s beautiful,” responds Trump.
“Can I say this? A piece of ass,” Stern responds.
“Yeah,” says Trump.


Trump also discussed women’s ages, saying that he believed that 30 was “the perfect age,” however 35 was the “time to check out.”

There was even audio from 2006 of Trump discussing “banging 24 year olds,” to which he responds, “I’d have no problem.”

Trump was also not shy about talking openly about his sex life. Even discussing his private actions with women on their menstrual cycles.
“Will you have sex with a woman if she’s having her period? Go ahead,” Stern asks Trump in a 1997 interview.
“I thought he was looking at Kate when he said that,” Trump responded, looking at his “Art of Comeback” co-author and fellow guest Kate Bohner. “She’s done that.”
“Donald, seriously, you would not, right, am I correct?,” asked Stern.
“Well, I’ve been there. I have been there Howard, as we all have,” Trump responded.
“You don’t like it?,” asked Stern.
“Well, sometimes you get there by mistake,” Trump said.

In the same interview, Trump and Stern discuss sleeping with “black women.”
In the same interview, Stern also asked Trump, “Have you had a black women in bed?”
“Well, it depends on what your definition of black is,” responded Trump.
“Interesting. I like this discussion. His bed is a rainbow,” Stern said.
“The rainbow coalition, as Rev. Jesse would say,” Trump said

Their conversation then turned to Trump’s virginity.

Melania then was brought into the fray, when Trump claimed he was having “a lot” of sex with his wife. He was also asked about having a threesome with two women who weighed over 300 pounds together, to which Trump responded,
“I wouldn’t say 300, I would say could be about 375,” said Trump. “I figure 125 a piece as opposed to 100.”
“Haven’t we all,” Trump added about men having threesomes, “are we babies?”

Still there were multiple other conversations which were sexually explicit.
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The question for Trump supporters is now, his this a proclivity for this behavior? A 17 year time span with a shock jock may see like more “locker room banter,” as Trump claimed his conversation with Billy Bush was.
Unless Trump considers everywhere to be his “locker room,” the facts at hand are becoming overwhelming that his supposed respect for women is nothing but mere talk.
And to be clear, none of what Trump has done, excuses any of what Bill Clinton may have or has done in his past, with the help or support from his wife, Hillary Clinton. This dichotomy as presented, that one must be worse than the other, is a false premise. Both Trump and Clinton are unfit for the office.

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