Category : Top News
7 Liberal Myths Debunked
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LISTEN TO TLR’S LATEST PODCAST: By GRANT PHILLIPS Liberal media personalities and pages often make claims that appeal to emotion but also contain a very...
Feds Open To Privatizing Ailing Obamacare Co-Ops
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Richard Pollock The Obama administration’s top health insurance official told Congress Thursday he wants to “loosen up capital rules” to allow private investors to...
Flint’s Lead Crisis Has One Big Overlooked Cause: Pensions
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Blake Neff Flint, Michigan’s lead-contaminated water is grabbing headlines around the country, but a critical part of the city’s desperate situation is being overlooked: The...
Your Health Insurance Is Unaffordable? Pay Uncle Sam!
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The PPACA, or Obamacare, is still the law of the land, and despite steep tax penalties for failing to purchase health insurance in 2016, many...
The Rape Culture of Rape Cages
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Rape Doesn’t Suddenly Become Okay If You’re A Criminal by Avens O’Brien On Thursday, December 10th, Daniel Holtzclaw was found guilty of five counts of...
France Moves To Strip Citizens Of Civil Liberties After Paris Attacks
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Rachel Stoltzfoos French President Francois Hollande proposed constitutional amendments and a three-month extension of state of emergency measures Monday that will severely limit the civil liberties of...
US Nuclear Facilities At Risk, Safety Regs Unchanged Since Before 9/11
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By Ethan Barton Sensitive information about nuclear plants and materials could be compromised because the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board – a federal advisory agency –...
5 Things “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Should Learn from the Prequels
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by Micah J. Fleck onday was a huge event for every Star Wars fan in the modern world. As had been rumored the entire...
Father, 11 Year-Old Son, Babysitter Love Triangle Gets Weird
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By R. Brownell UK- Jade Hatt, a twenty year old babysitter was recently labeled a sex offender after being found guilty of having sexual intercourse...
Court Says Advice Column is Subject to Freedom of the Press
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By Sarah Gompper On May 7th, 2013, syndicated advice columnist John Rosemond received a cease and desist letter from the office of the Attorney General...