Top 10 Dumbest Quotes by Progressive Republican Hero Theodore Roosevelt

2. “Exactly as it is the duty of a civilized power scrupulously to respect the rights of all weaker civilized powers and gladly to help those who are struggling toward civilization, so it is its duty to put down savagery and barbarism. As in such a work human instruments must be used, and as human instruments are imperfect, this means that at times there will be injustice; that at times merchant or soldier, or even missionary, may do wrong. Let us instantly condemn and rectify such wrong when it occurs, and if possible punish the wrongdoer. But shame, thrice shame to us, if we are so foolish as to make such occasional wrongdoing an excuse for failing to perform a great and righteous task.”

In this address to the Minnesota State Fair in 1901, Roosevelt shows his ultra-nationalist and imperialist leanings. In his warped reality, it is the responsibility of the US to go about the world “correcting” with force what we deem to be imperfections in other cultures. Worse yet, Roosevelt seems not at all concerned about injustice; he indicates that injustices should not stop our trudging forward with world policing. For him, the ends justify the means, even if you must commit heinous acts.

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