Andrew Follett There’s no link between the pro-green energy policies of states and falling carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, but there is a statistically significant link...
By Andrew Follett Environmentalists like to claim that fracking accelerates global warming, but that’s likely not the case, according to numbers crunched in a report...
By Andrew Follett Conservatives should “call the left’s bluff” on global warming by asking why environmentalists oppose using proven technologies like nuclear power or hydraulic fracturing...
Andrew Follett Global warming has really helped the Alaskan moose, according to a study published Wednesday by scientists from the University of Alaska. The research compared historic changes...
Michael Bastasch The White House’s global warming claims are now being contradicted by the Obama administration’s own scientists. President Barack Obama’s administration has repeated the...
Michael Bastasch A new study supports evidence that rising levels of carbon dioxide emissions are making American forests healthier and more resilient. In fact, U.S....
Andrew Follett Secretary of State John Kerry admitted that reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the U.S. and developed world will not help the environment or...