Spicer Resigned Because He Didn’t Want To Do Scaramucci’s Job For Him


By Jack Crowe

White House press secretary Sean Spicer resigned Friday over concerns that he would be expected to cover newly appointed communications director Anthony Scaramucci’s duties, in addition to his responsibilities as press secretary.

Spicer resigned after objecting to Scaramucci’s Friday appointment, a source that witnessed the exchange told the New York Times. Spicer’s objections were reportedly based on concerns that, due to Scaramucci’s inexperience, he would be expected to attend to the strategic responsibilities typically associated with a communications director, as well as his own press secretary duties.

“Sean was going to be expected to serve as press secretary while also being the quasi-comms director,” a source close to Spicer told Axios.

Scaramucci, 53, founded the New York financial firm SkyBridge Capital and has vocally defended President Donald Trump over the past year in his role as a Fox News contributor, but has never worked in an official communications capacity. His appointment comes after former White House communications director Mike Dubke resigned May 30, leaving Spicer with an expanded workload.

Shortly after news of his resignation broke, Spicer announced that he will remain in his role as press secretary through August and will help with the transition.

Spicer praised Scaramucci, calling him a fighter and saying he would do a great job, while speaking with a group of White House staffers following a meeting in the Oval Office.

“I want you all to be the first to hear that I told the president that I’m going to step down, but that I’m going to be very involved in the transition to make sure that Anthony can be very successful,” Spicer said.

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