Schools Stepping Up Terror Drills On Kids is reporting on series of raids that have been occurring with increasing frequency across the United States. Schools across the country have taken to running drills where gunmen invade schools, terrify students and teach them a damn good lesson… fear of government.
A school in North Carolina last month sent a letter to parents about an “enrichment lesson on exhibiting good citizenship” that occurred on campus. The school sent a masked, robber armed with a fake gun into the school. The students were naturally terrified, but the school wrote it off as standard procedure. It’s a good thing none of the students tried to stop him.
As some localities have begun pushing for stricter gun legislation, schools have followed suit by punishing students who try and provide for their own defense. For instance, in Florida last year a school suspended a boy who disarmed a fellow student that was aiming a loaded weapon at a classmate.
WATCH: School punishes heroic boy for stopping knife-wielding attacker at school
The New York Daily News reported on an incident in Chicago that occurred back in January. Gunmen shooting blanks invaded a school and sent the facility into lockdown with children acting dead, covered in blood.
One parent received a text message from her terrified child, “He said, ‘I’m not kidding. There’s gunshots and people screaming and we were locked in a storage closet,’ The mother said, “These kids thought that their classmates were being killed and that they could be next. There’s no excuse for that.”
Business is reportedly booming for defense companies that conduct the raids. “It’s spreading very, very quickly,” said Marianne Alvarez, of Texas-based Response Solutions. “We are booked up for the next few months straight. We’re glad, because they’re making their schools safer.”
Tell me again why I should trust American schools, let alone take them seriously as safe facilities to teach children. America….you suck.
I don’t think you understand why crazy gunmen pick these targets. They know there won’t be armed victims. I also don’t understand why you think it isn’t okay to have guns in schools. A gun is a tool, like any tool it can be used wrong or it can be uses right. Teach children how to use it right and value human life and these shootings will nearly stop. More murders are committed with with blunt objects then with firearms but I haven’t heard anything from the left asking for more hammer and ball-bat control. Instead of teaching children to cower in fear, teach them to stand up for themselves. Look at how bad bullying has gotten. We have a whole generation taught to run and get a teacher or tell the police and don’t fight back. Look at what that has gotten us. Then, when they turn 18 we throw them in combat zones and expect them to fight wars. It just isn’t working. We’ve tried it your way for too long, it isn’t working, try it our way now. The #1 reason given by felons for avoiding a target is the fear that the victim was armed. Not fear that the police will get them, not fear the person will scream for help, but fear for their own lives. The majority of crazies still have a sense of self-preservation. So, of course they pick targets where they know only sheep will be and the wolf is a long way off. What you don’t hear in the news is all of these mass-shootings that get stopped before they start by an armed civilian. That is because it doesn’t meet the liberal medias’ agenda and it isn’t sensational enough to get ratings. You can put your child in a unprotected school if you want, my kid will be taught to fight for his own live and will be armed to protect himself from those that would harm him.
I disagree with those who say teachers are educators do not need to be carrying,someone could get shot by a teacher if it came to it. HELL, better to have a fighting chance and taking the risk then be a sitting duck to be slaughtered. AS a chl holder I AM NOT RAMBO,BADASS,GUN NUT or whatever else you morons call us, I AM A RESPONSIBLE person choosing to defend my family,not choosing to live in lala land and that crap will not happen or that taking guns from the law abiding will solve a slaughter by a lunatic who does not care about life.
IT is all about gun control, if we could just save one kid,BULLSHIT, they do not give rats ass bout your kids. You might save a kid by having a means of equalizing the playing field,by letting these cowards know someone is armed and they will be met by someone armed instead of walking into a shooting gallery. GUN FREE ZONE,KILLING ZONE, period.
OK, please explain what “right” can be done by a gun in school? The sole purpose of a gun with the exception of sports is killing and maiming other people, whether it is used by a good guy or bad guy. It is a lethal weapon. Weapons don’t belong in schools, books do. There’s nothing liberal or conservative about that, it’s just common sense.
Australia and NYC seem to do far better than places where anyone can get a gun too easily regardless of their fitness to carry when it comes to mass shootings.
What you propose there won’t stop mass shootings, it will simply allow the arms industry to make more money.
Gun bans make the gun industry more money.
There is already ‘right’ being done with guns in school. But, since you probably get all your news from TV, you wouldn’t have heard about the numerous shootings stopped by armed civilians. It is a lethal weapon but just because it only has one purpose, doesn’t make it worse then any other lethal tools available. How is keeping a school a gun-free-zone common sense? Can’t you see that it isn’t working. Any bans or background checks don’t affect criminals because criminals don’t care about laws. The gun ban isn’t working out so well for Australia, you should look into that before using it as an example again. Since when is NYC a safe place because of bans?
“How is keeping a school a gun-free-zone common sense?”
The only schools I know that are not gun free zones are military training camps. Even there, soldiers don’t usually run around with loaded guns, unless they are practicing. Why not? Because they are crazy?
“Can’t you see that it isn’t working.”
Works here in NYC just fine. Any student caught with a gun or knife in his bag, it does not get overlooked.
“Any bans or background checks don’t affect criminals because criminals don’t care about laws.”
OK, let’s put it in perspective. I scoff when I see cops and swat swarming Grand Central Station or Times Square with M16/M4/AR-15 type automatic rifles hanging on them, supposedly to make us feel secure. Why? Because, if a terrorist is already near or in Grand Central Station, it is already too late and some law abiding people are guaranteed to end up in a hospital or on a coroner’s table, regardless of whether they are packing or not, and I can guarantee at least some of them would end up there if the auto rifles were to blast off. Who should we blame? People who are “stupid enough for not packing”, or the lack of proper security checks that made it too easy for terrorists to pass through?
OK, another real life example. Say you own a company that invests retirement accounts for thousands of customers. Would you hire an IT administrator who believes that not putting risk reducing rules on your firewalls, not patching servers that come in contact with the outside, and just packing the local network with antivirus suffices to stop a hacker who knows what he’s doing?
I grew up in a gun owning household, and I know what you are saying about teaching the kids proper. Well, as a parent that’s what you should do regardless of whether you own guns or not. I was also bullied as a kid, and I agree with you that the best way to ward off bullies is to stand up to them no matter what. But that doesn’t mean I wanted to take my guns and blast them off. No, I went and learned some judo moves with my best friend, and got some respect after I dropped and locked the joints of guys bigger than me.
Prevention is always better than cure in any case.