[Opinion] FACT CHECK: Most Online “Fact Checks” are Propaganda

By Anthony Rogers

How, in a country that has a Bill of Rights claiming we have Free Speech and Freedom of Press in the First Amendment, are speech and press so controlled?

The goal isn’t to tell the truth or make sure everyone on the internet is honest. The goal is to manipulate people into believing the narrative of these organizations. For example, Snopes, one of the most popular “fact-checkers”, is run by a prostitute and an idiot. They do no research, but people will read the headlines back to you like it’s a universal truth. “SEE, SNOPES SAID IT’S FAKE.” What does this do? Well, it just manipulates idiots that want their opinions repeated back to them via a website.

We’re at a point where it’s not just edgy people pushing uncomfortable posts being censored by these supposed “fact-checkers”. It’s memes and posts I see from grandparents, mothers, daughters, etc.. And anything that makes fun of the Left or Democrats. If it makes fun of Trump or Republicans, no one cares if it’s negative or misleading. But as soon as you point out Joe Biden or Kamala Harris flaws, the internet dweeb army of fact-checkers take over your post. Blur your post. And have 75 links underneath it calling whoever posted the meme a liar.

I’m sure we all have our personal censorship war stories at this time, but it’s hard for me to take companies seriously that violate several amendments with their “terms of service” and violate the Sherman anti-trust act, use slave labor, and other inhumane, crazy things. They’re trying to be the word police online and people love it—typically because it aligns with their own uninformed opinions and penchant for being wrong.

It feels good for ignorant people to feel smart without actually having to do the work to be smart. Why read an article to educate yourself, or learn and grow in any way when your narrative can be supported by regurgitating a headline back to people? It’s too much work to do any research, so why not just pretend with Snopes and all the other “fact-checkers”? You can stay dumb and feel smart. Win-win!



Anthony Rogers is an artist, professional tourist, and entrepreneur. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram.

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