Making the Most Out of Educational Videocasts for Your Business

Online conferencing software has become a useful tool not just for business and personal use but for education as well. It has been utilized in many classrooms, everywhere from the elementary to graduate level, and by adult education classes and people picking up new skills in their spare time. There is no reason why this same technology can’t be used for education in business as well. Training programs can be expensive and exercises can take up excessive amounts of time and keep employees away from their work. Online conferencing can solve these problems. Try some of these methods and make the most out of educational videocasts for your business:

  1. One-on-one Tutoring

Developing employees or addressing their performance issues typically involves calling them into the bosses’ office for a consultation. This puts the employee on the spot and increases their stress and anxiety levels, affecting their work performance negatively. It can make them feel like a misbehaving child being called into the principal’s office. A much better solution is to regularly check in with employees through video chats to check up on them with a two way talk about any issues, while still giving them space the rest of the time to work on their own. This way, bosses can ensure that every member of their team is working effectively, that there are no underlying problems going unresolved, and that employees can feel as if they are being aided and not punished.

  1. Seminars

Training programs or seminars typically take several hours, or even a whole day, when employees would much rather be working. They also tend to be somewhat generic and fail to address real workplace issues. A regular online seminar lasting a few hours every week or month or so can bring workers together, even from remote locations, and allow the training to take place in an enjoyable setting. Guest speakers can be brought in to share their insights or a social session can be used to exchange ideas. If you have a conference planned, live streaming it online can ensure that anybody who can’t make the conference can still benefit from it. The ‘For Dummies’ guides recommend this as a useful training method that cuts down on travel expenses at the same time. The additional benefit of cloud based systems is that these sessions can be saved and shared if anybody misses them.

  1. Training Courses

If any employees are missing an essential skill or need further training, sending them on a training course can be expensive, with not only the training itself to pay for, but travel, room, and board as well, eating into company budgets. There are many teachers who provide classes and training online through cloud videocasting systems such as BlueJeans, meaning your employees can get their essential training from their home computers on their own time. Some of them involve one-on-one tutoring and some provide remote access to a group class or meeting. Many of them are focused on specific topics or skill sets that modern workers actually need. There are even universities that provide remote learning. This again saves time and expenses on travel and doesn’t keep the person from their regular duties.

  1. Networking Groups

Sometimes the best learning comes from the interchange of ideas. Videocasting opens up opportunities for networking across physical boundaries. Holding regular informal networking events, similar to regular seminars, allows employees at every level and in every department to chat and exchange ideas and information with each other that they wouldn’t normally get the opportunity to do. This not only means that people will get along better and work more efficiently with each other, but they can also keep up with what is happening company-wide. There are numerous networking activities that can help with this, such as puzzles, quizzes, watching movies, or getting-to-know-you sessions. Anything which breaks down barriers and encourages interaction will help individual employees and the business as a whole.

  1. Orientation

One of the largest expenses for any company is training and orientation for new employees, particularly in industries where turnover is high. These expenses can be cut and new staff introduced to their new work place much quicker and easier thanks to telecasting. The above mentioned activities can help them get to know their new colleagues and teach them the skills they need at the same time. The ability to meet with several people all at once, even if they are in different physical locations, and share video files with them thanks to cloud storage, makes the process much easier. With the increase in remote working, it can introduce the new employee to their colleagues and company without them feeling left out.

These are just a few ways you can benefit your company and workers with educational conferences. Encouraging interactivity and increasing the opportunities for people to develop new skills will enable everyone in your business to get the training they need and work together efficiently.


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