A massive fight between five young girls broke out in a Brooklyn McDonald’s Saturday, and it was all caught on tape.
Four young girls attacked a teenage girl at a McDonald’s near Erasmus High School while dozens of onlookers, including at least two adults, stood by and watched, the New York Daily News reports.
The NYPD is investigating the video, which was posted on Facebook.
A packed room of mostly teens can be heard cheering, screaming and cussing as several girl gang up on one teenage girl, pummeling her into submission.
The girl continues to fight and struggle as other girls hit her on the head and pull her hair. When she falls to the ground, one girl can be seen kicking her repeatedly in the face, even after she stops moving.
“It’s murder,” one person can be heard saying.
Police told the New York Daily News that no one has filed a complaint.
This isn’t the first time a McDonald’s has turned into a cage match. Chicago police had to respond to a similar fight in December of last year.
Oh, why not. Here’s the video.
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