FACT CHECK: No, CNN’s John King Did Not Swipe Away A Pornhub Notification On National Television

Daily Caller News Foundation

Brad Sylvester on November 7, 2020

A video shared on Facebook purportedly shows CNN’s John King swiping away a Pornhub notification from CNN’s interactive election map on air.

Verdict: False

The Pornhub logo has been superimposed into the footage. In the unaltered video, the notification appears to show handwriting.

Fact Check:

The video of King allegedly swiping away a notification with the Pornhub logo has circulated widely as CNN and other cable news networks closely cover the 2020 presidential election. In the video, King appears to swipe away the notification from the interactive map and glare at someone off-camera.

The Pornhub logo, however, has been digitally inserted into the clip. Journalist Tancredi Palmeria tweeted the unaltered clip on Nov. 6. In the unaltered clip, the notification does not have a Pornhub logo but rather appears to show handwriting.

Another Twitter user tweeted a slowed-down version of the doctored clip. It shows the Pornhub logo moving unsteadily and seemingly floating above the interactive map, further indicating it has been inserted into the footage.

“It’s not real,” CNN spokesperson Lauren Pratapas confirmed in an email to the Daily Caller News Foundation. She also directed the DNCF to tweet in which King addressed the fake graphic.

“Not,” King tweeted in response to someone asking if the graphic was real. “Some clown taking time away from lying about something else apparently because they don’t like math.”

This fact check is available at IFCN’s 2020 US Elections FactChat #Chatbot on WhatsApp. Click here, for more.

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