Cruz Stands for Principle, Trump Supporters Lose Their Minds

The most shocking thing about last night at the RNC was not that Senator Ted Cruz refused to endorse Donald Trump — that was as easy to predict as rain in April. The shock came from the reaction of Trump supporters who were delusional enough to actually expect an endorsement. As if Trump had done anything to earn Cruz or his supporters’ backing.

Trump supporters keep using the word “honor” to describe what Cruz has lost. Really? Honor? Coming from people who support a man who brags about infidelity? A man who owns strip clubs? A man who insults the disabled and mocks POWs? Honor is not a word those of us who are not worshiping Trump as a false idol would associate with him. In fact, the use of the word by people supporting such a demagogue is laughable.

“But Cruz signed a pledge!”

Yes he did. A pledge to support the eventual nominee. However, that was before Trump turned the primary into a slimy, tabloid-charged, reality TV-like, trash heap.

Let’s also not mention that Trump declared that pledge dead in March, announcing he would not be honoring it if he lost and that he did not expect the other candidates to support him, either.

Donald Trump and his associates didn’t just campaign against Cruz, they dragged his family through the mud. They insulted his wife, they attacked his marriage, they spread vicious, unfounded lies, they coined insulting nicknames. Trump even began claiming Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of JFK. These are not honorable tactics and it took the primary beyond any civil lines.

How honorable would it be to stand behind a man who insults your family? I would say doing so would be quite dishonorable. In fact, I dare any of you who love their families to tell me they would stand behind and support a man who caused them pain and dragged them through the mud. If you would, you have no honor.

That any of these people expected Cruz to back Trump shows they are completely out of touch and totally willing to sellout their values in order to support the Trump cult. It is plainly evident they would do so, as they expected Cruz to do just that.

What makes this even funnier is all Cruz said was to “vote your conscience” and vote to “defend the Constitution.” If Trump supporters are so quick to see this as a slight on Trump, what does it tell us? They know Trump is not the vote of person with conscience and they know Trump is not a defender of the Constitution.

Ted Cruz held true last night and in doing so, he once again won my respect and admiration. As for the Trump supporters, they can talk about honor all they want — they’re following a liberal demagogue who espouses hate and attacks people’s families. There is absolutely no honor in that.

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