University of Toronto Drops Transgender Bathrooms Due To Peeping Toms


by Trevor Norris

There’s been a whole lot of noise made by celebrities and left-wing politicians alike after North Carolina passed a recent law mandating single-sex multiple occupancy bathrooms and changing facilities in schools and public agencies (Session Law 2016-3 HB 2). New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee responded by banning all non-essential travel to the State of North Carolina. Bruce Springsteen canceled a concert in Greensboro (as if punishing his fans for the actions of government makes any sense at all). PayPal pulled out of a plan to open a new global operations center in Charlotte that would have created 400 jobs.

All of these people must have egg on their face now, as the University of Toronto has abandoned their transgender bathroom policy over two separate peeping incidents way back on September 15 and 19. According to the Toronto Star:

Toronto Police Const. Victor Kwong said Monday that two women in separate instances at the Whitney Hall residence reported that they saw a cellphone reach over the shower-stall dividers in an attempt to record them. Police have yet to find any information about the culprit, but the investigation is ongoing.

While one gender-neutral bathroom remains on each floor, the majority have been scrapped, at least for now. The University College dean of students, Melinda Scott, says that the college will reevaluate its policies regarding these transgender bathrooms over the coming weeks. Per the campus newspaper, The Varsity, Scott also said, “Given the serious nature of these incidents and the impact on directly affected students, we made the decision to specifically designate some washrooms throughout the building for those who identify as men and those who identify as women. At the same time, there remains at least one gender-neutral washroom per floor and per house.”

This will certainly be crushing for those on the left who continue to claim that there is no risk to gender-neutral bathrooms. Opponents of transgender bathroom policies have long argued that gender-neutral bathrooms create a strong risk of voyeurism and sexual assault. Proponents of these policies argue that the opponents are full of hot air, and that such things would never happen. This news validates the concerns of those who oppose transgender bathrooms. Certainly, the safety and privacy of campus residents at the University of Toronto and those in North Carolina alike are more important than hurt feelings and political correctness.

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