Woman Dumped After Having Sex on Train, Falsely Claims Rape

Accuser Pleaded Guilty to False Rape Claim and Wasting Time

by Josh Guckert

During a train ride from Glasgow to Blantyre in 2012, Karen Farmer had sex with a man on their first date. After the man ran away from her once they got off the train at his stop, she told officers that the man had raped and sexually assaulted her, claiming that he had been “aggressive and controlling.”

While her tale sounds to be a horrific one, the issue is that security footage of the event shows the couple to be engaging in purely consensual activities. Farmer now faces jail after pleading guilty to falsely claiming she was raped and causing police to devote their time and services in an investigation she knew was false.

Farmer claims that once she and her date exited the train, he left to use the restroom, but never returned. She eventually borrowed someone’s phone, texting him, “Thanks for the night that I paid for you to leave me in Blantyre. . .For you to use me like that has made me feel so low.” After police saw the surveillance video and charged Fallon, her lawyer stated that, “She has very little recollection of events that evening. When she viewed the CCTV she realized her recollection was not what she thought it was.”

Rape and sexual assault are some of the most serious crimes that can be accused. When they are done recklessly or falsely as a means of “revenge,” they do nothing but harm the credibility of future alleged offenses and the actual victims. While sexual assault awareness has no doubt been an important and valuable revelation in recent years, one must wonder whether this discussion has not been controlled well enough to understand that there are two sides to the coin.

While it is appalling and disgusting that such occurrences have not been taken seriously or have been under-reported over the years, flipping to the other extreme can be just as harmful. As some within the modern feminist movement attempt to drive a wedge between the two sexes for their own benefit, they fail to present just how serious rape accusations can be and the negative repercussions they can have when done in a feckless manner.

Sadly, false rape accusations as some kind of perverse retribution do not even rise to the level of surprise in this generation, due to the odd culture which has developed in many feminist circles. As the definition of “rape” or “sexual assault” is attempted to be broadened  to consensual encounters involving intoxication or merely sex wherein the female did not explicitly say “yes,” this once well-understood and serious crime is trivialized and politicized to the point where neither men nor women are able to decipher its true meaning, and more importantly, the understanding and respect of these laws are easily eroded.

As libertarians, we know that each man and woman owns his or her own body, without any caveats or exceptions. This is why rape is such a serious charge; it involves an invasion of our personal bodily autonomy, thereby constituting a breach of ever-important property rights. As opposed to a mutual transaction based upon a freedom to contract, this engagement is one which tramples upon any sense of liberty or justice.

It is welcome to hear that Karen Fallon will face serious consequences for her actions, and hopefully the man she accused faces no further harm from her negligent and reckless acts. Respect for laws against rape and sexual assault are of the utmost importance in a civil society; this reverence can be best ensured by bringing swift justice against both those who violate them, and those who attempt to make a mockery of them through false accusations.


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