Top 5 Most Insane Social Justice Warriors

2. Anita Sarkeesian


This girl is a hater. She hates pop culture. She hates video games. And she especially hates the disgraceful, misogynistic men that play video games. My guess is because she’s bored, frustrated with life, and gamers are normally the coolest men out there so, of course, they must be stopped.

Sarkeesian made her own website that’s solely dedicated to hating video games and gamers, called Feminist Frequency. On it, she posts blog entries and videos that attempt to tear apart the socially constructed gender-inequality and ragingly violent patriarchy within the world of video games, while stereotyping gamers as misogynists because they play violent games that involve girls with big boobs. Rawr rawr rawr.

What’s even worse is she continually declines any invitation for open debate. When Sarkeesian went on the Colbert show, her performance was less-than-impressive, and she haggled the Colbert show into disabling the comment section on YouTube when the episode was to be posted.

She also declined a debate with Milo Yiannopoulos, a British journalist and entrepreneur, despite his offer of a $5,000 donation to Feminist Frequency or any charity of Sarkeesian’s choice should she agree to the standoff. You know your argument is infallible when you refuse to defend it…right?

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