Taxi cab drivers in Washington D.C. are protesting against freedom by staging a major protest in the district. The streets of the capital are totally jammed with cabbies honking and creating a ruckus.
Drivers are protesting against Uber and Lyft, which allow people to summon a car service on their mobile phones and pay with a credit card. Hundreds of cars are packed into traffic jams, delaying what is already known as one of the country’s worst cities for traffic.
The state of Virginia’s DMV just recently passed a cease-and-desist order to Uber, demanding they stop doing business in the commonwealth. But Uber and Lyft are defying them and continuing to do business because they do not believe they are in violation of any law.
The D.C. Taxi commission issued a statement about the protests:
“The D.C. Taxicab Commission (DCTC) is currently working on updated regulations that will ensure a fair, balanced, competitive, and safe system for passengers and drivers. The District’s City Council is also currently considering legislation regarding the role of private vehicles in public transportation.
In the meantime, DCTC will continue to enforce against illegal street hails and violations of the reciprocity agreement between Virginia and Maryland. This includes private vehicles that are cited and fined as they have chosen not to register with DCTC; and without proper registration they are operating illegally.”
Uber responded thusly:
“Washingtonians know that Uber is the safest, most affordable and reliable ride on the road. It’s ironic that taxi companies have congregated on Freedom Plaza, when they refuse to accept the freedom of choice, flexibility and economic opportunity that the Uber platform provides thousands of partners and riders across the city.
Uber welcomes any taxi driver who wants to experience the economic opportunity and increased driver safety that the Uber app offers.”