Retired Cop Who Shot Man for Texting in Theater Not Protected by “Stand Your Ground” Law, Rules JudgeGuest PostMarch 12, 2017 by Guest Post LISTEN TO TLR’S LATEST PODCAST: by Micah J. Fleck Curtis Reeves, the retired police captain who shot and killed a man for texting in a...
Are Emojis Misogynist? (Video)Guest PostMarch 4, 2016 by Guest Post Are emojis misogynist? Is texting promoting the patriarchy? If you’re like most people, you laughed at those questions. But some people have taken a lot...
The War on Texting While WalkingGuest PostMarch 4, 2013March 4, 2013 by Guest Post Texting while walking can result in a few things: misspelling words, tripping, and, yes, even falling off piers. But does that mean it should be...