Sorry Party Hacks! Megyn Kelly Doesn’t Fit Into One Of Your Two Boxes! (VIDEO)

Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly made her debut appearance on Jay Leno to discuss her new show at 9 p.m. Kelly defended her job as an unbiased reporter saying, “I’m a straight news anchor, I’m not one of the opinion hosts at Fox.”

“But I always laugh, because I’ll have a conservative pull me aside and say, ‘I love your conservative principles,’ and I’ll say, ‘You assume too much.’ And then the liberals will pull me aside and say, ‘I know you’re one of us,’ and I’ll say, ‘You assume too much.’ But I always tell people if they think I’m this conservative operative, ask Karl Rove if that’s true,” she said.

“The way we do it on the Fox News Channel is the straight news anchors give a hard time to both sides,” Kelly went on. “I don’t care about pandering to the left or the right, I care about protecting my audience. My boss, Roger Ailes, pays me a decent amount of money to go out there and ask questions, because he thinks I know the questions my audience wants answers to.”

Kelly debates the reasons that Congress is in deadlock, and other issues such as the minimum wage in this 5 minute interview.

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