Sacre bleu! French Cafe Charges Less If You Are Polite! (VIDEO)

NICE, FRANCE – A cafe on the French Riviera has caused quite a stir after it was discovered that they charged customers less if they were polite when they made their order. At the Petite Syrah in Nice, a cup of coffee is cheaper if you say “Bonjour” or “s’il vous plait.”

Owner Fabrice Pepino admits that it started out as a joke, but has found it has created a much nicer atmosphere. His clients now smile more and the atmosphere is warmer.

A sign outside the cafe reads:

“Un café – €7 [£5.90]

“Un café s’il vous plaît – €4.25

“Bonjour, un café, s’il vous plaît – €1.40.”

“It started as a joke because at lunchtime people would come in very stressed and were sometimes rude to us when they ordered a coffee,” Mr Pepino said. “It’s our way of saying ‘keep calm and carry on’. I know people say that French service can be rude but it’s also true that customers can be rude when they’re busy,” he said.

“We live in a funny old world,” the BBC reported from Nice-Matin.

“For three years we have put all our passion into what we do, which is trying to provide quality food, and good wines, and what causes a buzz? A few words scribbled on a blackboard.”

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