Rand Paul Takes The Lead In National Poll (VIDEO)

Republicans and Independents Leaning Libertarian?

In a new national CNN poll, Senator Rand Paul has taken the lead in a field of potential GOP candidates for President of the United States.

The poll is significant for the reason that his father, former congressman Ron Paul was never able to achieve first place in similar polls when he ran for president three times.

The poll shows that 16% of Republicans and Independents who lean Republican stated that they would be inclined to support Senator Paul in 2016. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin came in second with 15% and Rick Perry at 11%.

On his HBO show “Real Time” with Bill Maher, Maher praised senator Paul as the only Republican candidate who didn’t want to be policeman of the world, similar to his father Ron Paul. Maher and the panel, consisting of Salman Rushdie, Andrew Sullivan and “Tiger Mom” Amy Chua discussed the potential of Senator Paul winning the White House due to his ability to build coalitions consisting of mostly young people.

And finally, editor of The Libertarian Republic Austin Petersen weighed in on the field of potential 2016 candidates at the recent Conservative Police Action Conference, discussing what separates the candidates and why social conservatives seem to have less traction in the GOP.


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