Michael Moore: ‘Trump Is Going To Win’

By Blake Neff

Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore expressed despair over the 2016 presidential race, predicting on “Real Time with Bill Maher’ that “Trump is going to win” the presidency.

“To millions and millions of Americans, this was music to their ears,” Moore said following GOP convention festivities Wednesday night. “We’ve been sitting in our bubble, having a good laugh at this total shitshow, but the truth is that this plays to a lot of people that he has to win to become the next president.”


“I have to say, I’m sorry to have to be the buzzkill here so early on, but I think Trump is gonna win,” Moore continued, drawing a shocked reaction from Maher’s audience, followed by a wave of boos.

Maher didn’t disagree, saying that while he only thought Trump “could” win, it was important for Moore to sound the alarm. (RELATED: Michael Moore Goes Off On Dems For Destroying Flint)

Moore said Trump had the advantage because he could pursue a “Brexit” strategy of targeting old industrial heartlands harmed by deindustrialization.

“The middle of England [equivalent] is Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvania,” he said. “Mitt Romney lost by 64 electoral votes. The total electoral votes of those four states in the Rust Belt: 64. All he has to do is win those four states.”

Moore said Trump’s message on trade could easily resonate with the voters. A promise to put tariffs on imported cars, he said, was “music to people’s ears” during the Michigan primary. (RELATED: Michael Moore Declares Republican Party Dead)

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