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Power Grab: Senate Dems Go ‘Nuclear’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Democrats invoked the “nuclear option” yesterday, changing Senate rules to limit filibusters. The parliamentary procedure changes make it so that a simple majority can now shutdown a filibuster, rather than the 60 vote majority previously required. In fact, Democrats had to break the rules in order to change the rules. [contextly_sidebar id=”14d65d1dd199dc964549849b42b3a11c”]

Until yesterday, Senate rules had held that 60 votes were required to change the rules. Democrats pushed the change through with a simple majority. The procedural change may make Senate business move more quickly, as partisanship seems to have prevented progress on even simple matters. However, the change marks a departure from over 200 years of Senate tradition and a major shift in the Senate’s functionality.

The implementation of the “nuclear option” demonstrates the corrupting ability of power. Republicans who once favored such a tactic during President George W. Bush’s term are now opposed, and Democrats who once vociferously rejected a move now support it.

Former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott is the man who coined the term “nuclear option.” He did so during a 2003 Senate deadlock. He now understands that it was frustration, not reason, which motivated him. Though he says he can sympathize with Harry Reid (D-NV) he believes “the Senate is a unique institution and the rules – no matter how cumbersome and difficult – are better than just making it another House of Representatives.”

Lott’s concerns are warranted. The Senate has more cumbersome rules because the Senate has more power than the House of Representatives. While filibusters are not frequently used, the threat of a filibuster is an important tactic. The 60 vote requirement to stop a filibuster meant that one party could not stop debate without an overwhelming majority. The rules are meant to slow the process of law making in order to encourage debate and amendments.

Video: KY Senator Rand Paul discusses “nuclear option” on CNN

Democrats have become increasingly frustrated with Senate Republicans blocking President Obama’s court appointees. While, as  Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) explained on CNN yesterday, at least some of the GOP’s objection over Obama’s nominees may be related to districting more than partisanship, it is true that half of the nominees filibustered in US history have occurred during Obama’s terms.

Regardless of how frustrating it may be to not be able to push through nominees on party-line votes, the fact remains that in a divided government compromise and negotiating are necessary. Just as Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats were unwilling to compromise with Republicans during the shutdown, they are now content to change the rules rather than work with their colleagues on the right.

The ramifications of such a rule change were once readily recognized by prominent Democrats. Both Joe Biden and Barack Obama were opposed to such tactics while they were in the Senate. Biden went as far to “pray to God” that if Democrats took power again that none of his colleagues would try such a tactic. In his 2005 tirade against the “nuclear option” Biden also rightly pointed out that a 60 vote majority is required to change the rules. Both Biden and Obama argued while serving in the Senate that such a rule change would limit the voice of the minority party and stifle debate in the Senate.

Video: Biden in 2005: “I pray to God” Democrats never evoke “Nuclear Option”

Video: Senator Obama: ‘Nuclear Option’ not what Founders Intended


It is the latest in a long line of issues where President Obama has gone back on what Senator Obama once stated. Power corrupts, and apparently is very short-sighted. If Republicans are able to take back the Senate in 2014, Democrats may regret such tactics. Obama pointed a “pattern of obstructionism” to justify his change of heart. This rings hollow as it was obstructionism by his party which raised the issue when he served in the body. The only thing that has changed is the party in power.

Keith Farrell is a frequent contributor to The Libertarian Republic and Founder and President of Spirits of ’76 national nonprofit organization. He holds a BA from the University of Connecticut in American Studies, with concentration in political science, and Urban and Community Studies. Follow him on Facebook




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