Judge Orders Man To Marry Woman Who Tried To Set Him On Fire

PITTSBURGH, PA – A man who was set on fire by the mother of his four children was told by a judge in Allegheny County that he was probably to blame for her “whacky behavior,” and that he would impose a lesser sentence if the victim married his attacker.

Quenesia Catasphany poured lighter fluid all over her boyfriend Andre White, accusing him of having an affair, and threatening to set him on fire. White phoned the police on the mother of his three children, who is also pregnant with a fourth.

Catasphany pled guilty to Judge Joseph Williams, who asked why the couple was not married.

From the court transcript:

“You keep together. You know, you got four babies, and you are taking care of someone else’s baby, but your lives are inextricably intertwined, but she is getting trouble over your lifestyle, and now she is getting whacky because she thinks that you are not committed to her, because  — she probably has a good reason.”

“…she is in court because of some things that are getting kind of dysfunctional with the two of you, but it is really her being insecure about being 27 and having done probably what her parents didn’t want her to do by taking the road she has taken. She isn’t advancing her career. She has stairstep babies, for the most part, a guy that isn’t committed to her whom she thinks is running around with other women, and now she is here in court. That’s the reality I see. Why wouldn’t you add some stability in her life?”

The judge then suggested that they get a marriage license and that he would marry them in three days. The couple received the license the same day in court.

“Every single day we’ve been looking at each other. Our breakthrough has come,” Catasphany said. “I want to thank the judge for giving us the opportunity to better our relationship. I appreciate him for speaking up for me because it was something I wasn’t able to do.”

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