Insane Woman Cut Down By Officer After Pulling Pistol [DASHCAM]

COLONIAL HEIGHTS, VA – A woman, who was found not guilty of attempted capital murder by reason of insanity, was shot after pulling a gun on a police officer. Melissa Alexander was warned ten times to show her hands after the end of a high-speed chase given by Officer Greg Thinness.

Officer Thinness fired in self defense at Alexander, who can be seen in the video pulling a .380 pistol on the officer. She was critically wounded with two shots to the abdomen, but survived to see trial and be found not guilty by reason of insanity. She will be placed in the custody of the Virginia Commissioner of Behavioral Health and Development Service’s care, and will be treated by a clinical psychologist.

“During times like this, you’re nervous, a lot of things are going on and you tend to maybe go away from that training a little bit, but he stayed right on point, he was focused and he did his job, and he did it correct,” said Captain Wayne Newsome, Colonial Heights Police Department, according to WTVR.

The following video will be used for training purposes by the department.

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