Tragic Accident Leaves Boy Dead, But His Heart Lives On In Vietnam Veteran
21-year-old Matt Heisler was tragically killed in a house fire this past March. Heisler was thankfully an organ donor, and his transplants have helped up to 60 people after his death, including a Vietnam veteran by the name of Tom Meeks.
Meeks suffered from a rare condition called amyloidosis, and was told in 2011 that he could die if he didn’t receive a transplant. He had been rejected for a new heart five times from different hospitals, but the Mayo Clinic decided to take on his case. This year, they decided that Meeks would receive Heisler’s heart.
Heisler’s family was happy to hear that their loved one’s organs would be helping people like Meeks. They traveled to meet him one day and to listen to his still beating heart inside Meeks’ chest. What happened was quite an emotional ride to watch. We hope you enjoy this piece of beautiful humanity.
Our poll today asks the question of whether or not you are an organ donor. We will publish the results of our poll next week.