Electric car owner charged with stealing 5 cents worth of electricity (VIDEO)


CHAMBLEE, GA – Kaveh Kamooneh was arrested in November for stealing five cents worth of electricity from a school when his Nissan Leaf was low on juice and he plugged it into the building’s outlet. Kamooneh took the liberty of charging his car at the school’s exterior outlet when he was suddenly approached by police who charged him with theft.

“He said that he was going to charge me with theft by taking because I was taking power, electricity from the school,” Kamooneh said.

Kamooneh reportedly charged his car for about 20 minutes, taking .05 cents worth of juice. Chamblee police Sergeant Ernesto Ford said, “I’m not sure how much electricity he stole. He broke the law. He stole something that wasn’t his.”

The officer declined to arrest him at the time and instead filed a report. Two days later deputies arrived at his house and arrested him. The officers had issued a warrant after determining that school officials never gave him permission to plug in his car.

Kamooneh spent 15 hours in jail before he was released. He claims that nobody was there to even ask permission because he was at the tennis practice so early with his son.

A theft is a theft,” Sgt. Ford said.


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