The Election’s Over…So What Will You Do Now?

by Eli Bowman

So what will you do now?

After today, you might be celebrating or you might be mourning. You might feel victorious or you might feel defeated. Tonight, after the talking heads on TV announce the winner of the election, one thing is certain, you’ll have something to say about it…and your heart will too.

If you’re like me, you’ll likely lay in bed tonight and ponder on the person you were for the last 16 months. You’ll ask yourself “Did I stay true to who I know myself to be, or did I let something else find a way in to my heart? Was I really my best self, or did I say or do some things that I knew I shouldn’t have? Am I proud of who I have been and what I’ve let in to my mind and spirit?”

Yes, today is a very important day…but is it possible that we’ve given it more credit than it’s due? Have we sensationalized this election because of the sound bytes, and the video bytes, and the gaffes, and the scandals, and the investigations, and the allegations, and the clever memes, and all the other juicy bits that led us to gasp at insane headlines and made our insatiable appetite for sharing clickbait last until the wee hours of the morning?

Has this election affected your work? Your workplace environment? Have you noticed people at your place of employment and whether or not they’re different in your eyes now versus 16 months ago? How differently do you see people who pull into or out of work with a bumper sticker on their car that says “Make America Great Again” or “I’m With Her”?

What would happen if you took a full inventory of your relationships from the last 16 months? How many of them are somehow changed because of this election and all the things it has brought with it? Have you by chance written people off? Is there now, even one person, that you never want to hear from or see again? Have you blocked people on Facebook? Do you follow totally different people on Twitter now? Do you now have divides with family members over politics, policy, or simply because the name on the sign in their yard wasn’t the right one?

Dear God, what have we become?

One of my favorite books talks about a people who were so divided politically that they actually ended up destroying each other…when the whole time all they had to do to save themselves from utter destruction was to remember that they had more in common, by far, than they did differences. They could have spared everything…EVERYTHING…if they simply remembered that bonds of commonality are stronger than the schisms of differences.

But it’s harder to keep that perspective when the worst parts of us can’t get enough anger, hate, jealousy, and high horses. We have come to elevate division when we should be elevating UNITY as our trophy.

But now it’s over. The election is over. And we now look over the battlefield and see a body count too numerous to believe. We see ruptured spirits, broken relationships, scars from infighting, and worst of all we see hopelessness.

So what now? Now that the cannons of political warfare have ceased what do we do? Where do we begin to clean up the mess?

While it may be hard for you to believe right now, there is hope. There is a dawn approaching. There is a glint of sunlight breaking through the dark clouds signifying that a new day is beginning. A day filled with new possibilities and new choices, new goals and new decisions, new ideas and new innovations…and new spirits. New hearts.

As the bright, warm sun shines down upon your face you realize that what happened yesterday is done. You can’t change it. You realize that the only thing that matters now is what you WILL do.

So what will you do now?

It’s not where you’ve been that matters anymore, it’s where you’re going…and the manner in which you arrive.

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