Americans Have No Idea What Memorial Day Is (VIDEO)

Political prankster Mark Dice recently set out to see whether Americans remember the meaning of Memorial Day – and videotaped the gloomy results. Speaking with random passersby, Dice found that most of the people he spoke with have no clue what the holiday commemorates.

The ignorance that Dice encountered apparently prompted him to push the envelope further. He began to concoct absurd explanations of his own, telling the strangers he interviewed that Memorial Day was instituted to honor fallen surfers.

He then started to claim that Memorial Day is a celebration of John Wilkes Booth – the man who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln. The interviewees bought Dice’s ridiculous stories hook, line, and sinker.

Memorial Day initially honored those who died during the Civil War. It was eventually expanded to commemorate all Americans who have died while serving in the military.


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