9 of the Craziest Quotes From Socialist Leader Nicolas Maduro

#7. “Do you want to have a fatherland or toilet paper?”

Here we have Venezuelan president Nicholas Maduro telling the "unwashed masses" that if they put their fist into a ball and use it correctly, there is no need for toilet paper. True, the soap shortage will have to be figured out with the increased demand, but price controls will fix that, too. Or not.


Venezuela is famously running low on toilet paper, causing people to wait in long lines and turn to the black market in order to keep themselves supplied with this basic necessity. Too bad they just won’t let the free market work. Supplying something so simple is easy in a free market. But no, Maduro instead decided to take over toilet paper factories and try and centrally plan the economy. Socialism never works, but hey, let’s just keep trying the same thing over over and expecting different results.

People tweeted sarcastically at Maduro #LosChavistasSeLimpianElCuloConLaPatria, meaning: #ChavistasWipeTheirBehindsWithTheFatherland

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