7 Hilarious Economics Lessons From South Park

5. Something Wall Mart This Way Comes


In this episode South Park points out that hatred toward big companies and especially retail giants fails to recognize the consumer’s role in creating corporate giants.

When Wall Mart (purposefully misspelled) comes to town, the people of South Park are enthralled. Soon they are all addicted to the bargains while the small shops downtown close. Soon they become enraged and burn the Wall Mart down, only to find it has been mysteriously rebuilt overnight. The boys embark on a quest to destroy Wall Mart once and for all, only to discover what lies at Wall Mart’s at the location of the corporate monster’s heart is just a mirror. It is the consumer which is the heart of retail giants. In a humorous conclusion the townspeople begin to shop at a smaller local shop until it too becomes a retail chain, at which time they burn it to the ground.


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