The Media Is A Fickle Friend
NEW YORK, NY – Saturday Night Live has been thrashing the Obama administration in recent weeks, delivering punishing satire about the failure of Now the players are taking aim at the president’s supporters, lampooning their mindless devotion to him despite the evidence of his personal failures.
Kenan Thompson hosts a talk show that brings ‘non-partisan’ guests to discuss ‘how President Barack Obama is doing’. The panel discusses the rollout of, the domestic spying program of the NSA, and other issues.
Kenan opens by saying it’s been a difficult month for the president. “The most recent Gallup poll puts his approval rating at a disappointing 42% among all voters. But perhaps the more troubling number for the president, his approval rating with black voters has dropped to a startling 93.6%!”
im one of those “white people” who was forced to vote for romney(because my state didnt allow a third party or write in choice) and even i dont think romney would have been a BETTER choice. I think democrats would have actually held him to a standard, and republicans might have gone easier on him, but not to the extent of the blind “he can do no wrong” and “it was someone elses(primarily bush) fault”
Gary johnson was on the ballet in everystates
Actually he was not on the ballot in 2 or 3 states.
no, he was NOT on the ballot in EVERY state. nice try, but unless you know the election process of every state, don’t assume because YOUR state has write in, or third party, that EVERY state is the same.
my comment showing proof gary johnson was NOT on every states ballot is awaiting moderation. feel free to google “oklahoma 2012 sample ballot”.
btw, Ohio recently joined the block of third party candidates. Next presidential election, expect to see only [R] and [D].
That is the exact opposite of what America is supposed to be about.
i agree, but the single party/dual name system we have in place will not allow a third, fourth, etc, party in place.
Oh i know. It is our fault for letting it get this bad (The American people).
If he was, i would have voted for him.
People who say they were forced is wrong was a gun held to your head nope
Not a gun, but the threat of impending collapse of our national monetary
system forced me to vote against obama. Under his leadership we have
borrowed more money that every other president combined and it only took
him 4 years to amass such a debt. All other issues aside, that alone
should have prevented him from getting a single vote. The fact that
people just don’t even care. Our children will be born hopelessly in
debt and if the USD collapses it will be from the greed of people who
care more about getting a free phone than our childrens future. Obama
promised to reduce spending and instead has gone wild wasting money left
and right and to add insult to injury, then goes on lavish vacations
while many of us struggle to put food on the table. While America cries
“our children have no bread”, Queen Michelle cries “let them eat
veggies”. Food stamps aren’t the answer, that’s like paying your
American Express bill with your master card and paying your mastercard
with your American Express. Stop the Insanity!!!
Even with a gun to ones head, They still have a choice…they may end up dead but still have a choice…just my opinion
That is what it means for our rights to be inalienable.
no, a gun wasn’t to my head, but as i have stated elsewhere, the only options on the 2012 Oklahoma Ballot were Romney or Obama. Voting for Romney was a better choice than voting for Obama, and NOT voting would have been a vote for Obama. I wasn’t physically FORCED to vote for romney, but when i think obama(correctly as it is turning out) is bad for the country, then i had no other option than to vote [R]. Btw, 100% of oklahoma counties voted Republican(not 100% of each county, but every county was majority red). We have no other choice.
Romney really would have turned this nation around. He did it for a state, for an Olympics, and for 100s of businesses. I still don’t get why people don’t think he would not have done it.
The Democrats did a very effective job with their “Kill Romney” campaign. They successfully infiltrated the Libertarians and run an effective FUD campaign in the swing states.
I didn’t doubt Romney’s business or project management credentials. I doubted his political philosophy. He could have been extremely effective at really terrible policy. Even then, he would probably have been totally ineffective when you consider one of the main reasons he lost was that, on election day, his untested get-out-to-vote system crashed and burned like The one thing that he might have done that I think most of us can agree would have been good is to repeal Obamacare, but I have serious doubts that he would actually have shrunk the size of the Federal Government, kept us out of gratuitous armed conflict, or reigned in the debt and deficit. In the end, though, the votes in my state (Florida) didn’t even count because Obama had enough electoral votes to win several days before our results were even certified.
The thing is, that’s exactly what he did in MA. He shrunk the size of government in the state. In his business and his politics he consolidates inefficiencies.
Nobody killed Romney more effectively than his own campaign if you ask me. That ship was sinking from the get go, because they ran on assumptions.
Obama ran on hard data. Blame who you want, the results speak for themselves.
Obama ran on character assassination and outright lies. Just look at the empty debate performances from Obama and Biden’s temper tantrum.
I voted for Romney because he was the most qualified Presidential candidate we’ve seen either party nominate in decades. That man was stellar.
The Repubs will eventually win, but it will almost surely be someone who is easily Romney’s lesser. If the primaries were today it’d come down to between Christie and Cruz. I’d be happy with either one of them over more Democrats.
Romney was a democrat pick. He started Romneycare and was the easiest to beat. They were giddy when he was the primary ticket. MA is set to go to single payer by 2017. Yeah, Romney would have been held at bay by the dem’s. Because -0 is ‘theirs’ they let the nation crumble into middle income bankruptcy. The devil is in the details.
Naw, Romney would have been held at bay by the libertarians who’ve been confused by the Democrat infiltrators and by the “more-conservative-than-thou” Republicans. Romney really was conservative. Consider: He had a plan for MA health care problems. But it would never have gotten past the veto-proof legislature in the state. So he picked the most conservative plan he could get passed. And that was what MassCare became (with a blessing from the Heritage Foundation). There were 47 line-item vetoes he issued. Guess what happened to them in the veto-proof legislature? Yep, they were overturned and that is where the expense of MassCare comes from. Not from Mitt.
Look at what the RNC did to Ron Paul. They completely wiped the state of Main’s delegates from being able to vote, which would have given him the 5 state minimum to be put on the ballot (and debate) with Romney and Obama.
(This was meant as a reply to Perso Nasplit and what Ohio is doing to third parties.)
Ron Paul’s delegates were attempting to steal the nomination. They couldn’t win an actual election and knew it, that’s where this “Delegates” strategy came from. Ron Paul’s campaign was an embarrassment.
This is in no way critical, they are making a harmless joke about their actual beliefs
if this was white ppl talking about blacks the blacks would be out burning down some city
And you drew these conclusions based on what facts exactly?
Do you really need a list?
You must not be living on the same planet as the rest of us over here in reality.
I will bet $1000 there is human excrement in your cranial cavity.
It’s SNL – it IS white people talking about blacks.
White people this and white people that….smh
This video had me crying in laughter. It’s so tastefully racist. lol
Gotta admit… idk what “the wire” is. x_x
But sure enough when you got SNL beating on Obama and his supporters, you’d think they’d wake up and realize Obama is doing things backwards.
I don’t think black people view this sketch the same way white people will and I didn’t realize that until I read this headline which is stupid. These people are not “mindless”. They’re intelligent, thoughtful, nuanced – they know Obama’s shortcomings – and they still have his back. Their support is steadfast despite the issues they have with him – not because of the issues they have with him. This is black folks overall attitude towards America, not just the president. We are some serious patriots – and it’s DESPITE the issues we have with America, not because of them.