Why Should a Woman Be On the $10 Bill?

The Treasury Department has announced that it will feature a woman on the $10 bill. This comes after public pressure to replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill with a woman. People behind the effort said that it was unfair because only men are featured on U.S. currency and chose Jackson as a target due to his disgusting policies towards Native Americans. Apparently, the $10 bill was already in the works to get redesigned so it’s Alexander Hamilton who is going to get replaced instead.

Many women are cheering that a woman will finally be featured on the $10 bill.

I can’t help but think that it’s kind of condescending.

It would be one thing if there was a campaign to replace Andrew Jackson with an accomplished person who deserves the recognition. I will be all for that. And if the person chosen happened to be a woman, then cool. There are a lot of women throughout American history who I would choose as good candidates. Harriet Tubman being one of them because she’s risked her life to free dozens of slaves. She’s a hero.

My problem is when the focus becomes solely on gender. It’s not about who is the best person– it’s about who is best woman to be on the bill. It’s as if a woman could not compete with a man for the honor. I’d like to think that Harry Tubman could hold her own against any potential male candidates. I find it insulting that male candidates are removed from being considered because “it needs to be a woman.”

What’s with the affirmative action? I understand that women had fewer opportunities in the past but dang. There are plenty of women who have done amazing things and don’t need a sympathy boost. Let them compete with men.


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