Top 10 Victims of Stupid Gun Laws

6. Steffon Josey-Davis

Steffon Josey Davis was an armored-car driver with plans of attending the police academy when he was pulled over and his nightmare began. He owned a Smith & Wesson 9mm for work and had left it in his glove box earlier that day. In New Jersey, Davis was required to have a Concealed Carry Permit in order to have his firearm in his glove box. Davis faced up to 10 years in prison but took a plea deal where he confessed to unlawful possession of a weapon, a second degree felony, and was given one year probation. Thanks to the Graves Act those found guilty of that crime face 5-10 years in prison with a minimum mandatory sentence of 42 months incarceration. In many ways he’s lucky, most otherwise law-abiding citizens don’t have the Graves Act waived for them, but his dreams of becoming a police officer are indefinitely postponed. He’s now in the process of appealing the decision and petitioning Governor Chris Christie to grant him a pardon.

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