He Shoveled The Car Spot, Someone Else Took It, So He Took Snowy Revenge!

BOSTON, MA – Last week a Boston resident painstakingly plowed the snow out of a car spot so he could get back and forth from work as an Uber driver. But when he returned to find that someone had removed his “space saver,” he took snowy revenge!

The Boston resident’s Craigslist post told the story of how he felt his rights were violated after someone moved the bookshelf he put in his spot to keep it safe. When he saw the driver had New York license plates, it went from annoying to personal pretty darn quick.

In the evening on February 8th, the Uber driver returned to find that he was out of luck for parking in the spot that he had shoveled out from heaps of snow. “I’ve lived in Boston for years and I’m from New England,” he said. “This was just not a cool move. I’m getting home at midnight and I had nowhere to park.”

Apparently the resident considered what his options were all day Monday before finally deciding to return all of the snow that he had carefully shoveled out. The Bostonian piled all of the snow back in and around the “trespasser’s” vehicle. “I got emails from people who said I should pop the tires. I didn’t think that was okay,” he said.


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