Rand Paul on Mitt Romney 2016: “No, no, no, no, never.”

Senator Rand Paul agreed with Ann Romney about a potential Mitt Romney run for president in 2016, saying: “I’m with Ann Romney on this one: No, no, no, no, never.”

Paul’s remarks came at a forum for potential 2016 candidates in Palm Springs, California. Despite the fact that Paul endorsed Romney in 2012, he thinks the two-time failed candidate should retire.

Romney “would have made a great president,” stated Paul. “But to win the presidency you have the reach out and appeal to new constituencies. And I just don’t think it’s possible.”

“And if he thinks, ‘Well, I’m just going to change a few themes and next time I’ll reach out to more people,’ I think it’s a little more visceral than that,” Paul added in a statement to ABC News.

At the same forum, another contender for the GOP nomination, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, refused to comment negatively on Romney’s aspirations. “I think he put it all into the race,” Rubio said. “He’s someone who’s earned the right to decide whatever it is he wants to do.”

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