Kathleen Sebelius: President Obama Blindsided By Website Issues (VIDEO)

Mixed Messages About Why Healthcare.gov Is Failing to Deliver

WASHINGTON, D.C. – CNN is reporting that President Barack Obama knew there would be ‘glitches’ and said he knew there would be problems with Healthcare.gov, although not at such a large-scale. The president said, “there is no question that we did not anticipate the scale of problems with the website.”

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In an interview with Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta, Kathleen Sebelius answered tough questions about why the website doesn’t work. She defended the site in general, claiming that some have been able to successfully navigate the site, although there were no exact numbers about how many.

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Health care agencies were reportedly complaining about the data they were receiving even before the launch date. The site was crashing before it even launched, but Sebelius claims that no one informed the president of the problems at that time. “We’re not at all satisfied with the workings of the website,” she said. “We want it to be smooth and easy and let consumers compare plans.”

CNN Panel discusses the interview

1 comment

LibertarianTexan October 23, 2013 at 9:03 pm

What a stooge. She isn’t answering anything other than parroting her talking points.

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