Conan O’Brien Skewers Brian Williams’ News Exaggerations

Late night comedy genius Conan O’Brien stuck beleaguered NBC News anchor on the butt end of his joke stick. O’Brien’s funny segment appropriately teased Williams in the wake of his scandal which saw him exaggerating a story about being in a helicopter in Iraq which was shot down.

Williams has recanted the story, after a soldier from the unit he described contradicted his version of events. Now he has taken what is being called a “brief hiatus” from reporting as the lead news anchor for the network. Now his entire career of reporting is under scrutiny, with people calling into question his accounts of Hurricane Katrina and other major events. Fox News reported that NBC is not conducting an internal investigation, but that Williams stepped aside voluntarily.

Celebrity Rosie O’Donnell took jabs at Williams as well while presenting awards to HBO executives. “Maybe that’s the problem in my relationships; I see someone I like and I make s–t up like Brian Williams . . . I escaped on 9/11 from the twin towers. No, I didn’t; I got mixed up. F–king Lance Armstrong liar.”

Editor of The Libertarian Republic Austin Petersen will appear on the Sun News Network today at 11:45am ET to discuss the controversy. Petersen’s recent show on the topic “How the media lies to you, and why you love it,” has been downloaded over 135,000 times. Listen here.

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