CIA Agent Who Interrogated Saddam Hussein: United States “Got It So Wrong”

By Kody Fairfield

On December 13, 2003, United States troops apprehended Saddam Hussein, and set forth a catalyst of actions of which our foreign policy heads are still dealing with today.

Hussein, the former iron-fisted (see: dictator) President of Iraq, was accused of being in possession of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). It is for this reason that he was taken in for interrogation by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). They wanted information leading to the discovery of these weapons in order to secure them, preventing them from being used against the people of Iraq or stolen and used elsewhere.

The man who led the CIA interrogations of the former dictator, John Nixon, is now speaking out on his conversations with the deposed leader, explaining why he believes the US “got it so wrong” on Saddam Hussein.

In his article for the Daily Mail, Nixon claims that the US was mistaken “in many ways” about the intervention in Iraq, beyond just the belief in WMDs and Hussein’s “attitude” to using them. He believed the US to be mistaken on things such as the dictator’s health, habits and even his involvement in running the country.

Nixon, according to his piece, has also been critical of former President George W. Bush’s leadership which pushed the US into invading Iraq, stating that the President “only heard what he wanted to hear” when it came to the situation.

Nixon revealed that during his interrogations of Hussein, he asked if the ruler ever thought about a pre-emptive strike against US bases in Saudi Arabia. Hussein responded, “We never thought about using weapons of mass destruction. It was not discussed. Use chemical weapons against the world? Is there anyone with full faculties who would do this? Who would use these weapons when they had not been used against us?” Nixon explained.


According to Nixon, Hussein mocked the US, stating that Americans were “a bunch ignorant hooligans who did not understand Iraq and were intent on its destruction.” He continued describing the actions of President G.W. Bush as a response against Iraq, because “Iraq wanted to attack his daddy.”

Nixon then mentioned how Hussein’s responses were not what he expected, as he said he wondered how the US had “got it so wrong.” Hussein told Nixon that he had some blame in this matter also, explaining, “the spirit of listening and understanding was not there – I don’t exclude myself from this blame.”

As he continued, Nixon explains that the narrative of WMDs was not the only mistake made or forewarned by Hussein. The deposed iron-fisted ruler warned against nation-building in his country. Again, relayed through the story told by Nixon, Hussein mentioned, “You’re going to fail. It’s not so easy to govern Iraq.” Hussein mentioned that the US did not understand the Iraqi people, because they did not speak the language or understand the mind-set of the people, the history or even the weather.

Though Hussein was a brutal dictator in his country, his foreshadowing has proven to be beyond true. Since his removal, the country has been in disarray, leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands. The failed state is currently the host to violence and turmoil, and the city of Mosul is suffering under the control of the Islamic State (ISIS).

Nixon, just before wrapping up his Daily News piece made a point to criticize former President G.W. Bush’s handling of the situation. He made mentions of Bush’s rudeness toward him [Nixon], and even mentioned that Bush had inappropriately joked about the missing WMDs. Nixon explained that Bush blamed the CIA for the failure in Iraq, with Bush calling the agency’s intelligence on WMDs “guess work.”

The article was wrapped up with these last words from Nixon:

I do not wish to imply that Saddam was innocent. He was a ruthless dictator who plunged his region into chaos and bloodshed. But in hindsight, the thought of having an ageing and disengaged Saddam in power seems almost comforting in comparison with the wasted effort of our brave men and women in uniform and the rise of Islamic State, not to mention the £2.5 trillion spent to build a new Iraq.

Three years after his capture and interrogation, Saddam Hussein would breathe his last breath. He was hanged by the Iraqi Special Tribunal for his conviction of one hundred and forty eight Iraqi Shi’ites in 1982. 

The accusation and main reason for the US having invaded his country was eventually proven to have been false by a CIA report in 2005.

Looking at the United States’ current foreign policy, is it not time to question our interventionist ideas? With ongoing dilemmas in Iraq, and Afghanistan, serious issues in Libya and Syria, and potentially larger threats in China and Russia, need there be more reason to focus on our defense here at home?

Is it not time that our Commander-in-Chief see our military personnel as people first, and a weapon second?

Only put the bravest in harm’s way when absolutely necessary.


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