“Can We Get Rid of Valentine’s Day?”

Jim Gaffigan -"Can we get rid of Valentine's Day?"
Jim Gaffigan -“Can we get rid of Valentine’s Day?”

It is that time of year [Cue the birds and Rossini’s classical overture] For many, Valentine’s Day is a dreadful day, serving only to remind the ‘forever alone’ crowd that they are – most certainly – ‘forever alone’.

It is also a day, for those of us who aren’t alone, find it a day reduced to commercialized, marketing overload and unnecessary. Like me, those who are in committed relationships, must ask ourselves: Is this litmus test on the status of our relationships with our significant others necessary?

As soon as the Christmas decorations come down, we are reminded of this ridiculous, pink and red heart annual carnival for suckers, until a few weekends ago, my husband and I happened to catch the CBS Sunday Morning show and we couldn’t help but laugh in agreement at the comical, but accurate synopsis of the wretched day of love, by comedian Jim Gaffigan (The Hot Pocket Guy). In his Call to Arms, “Can we get rid of Valentine’s Day?” he says:

“Valentines Day is a holiday about love. Have we become that self-absorbed as a culture that we have to set aside one day a year to remember to love someone?” He then states, “If you need the reminder, it’s probably too late.”

“We also give greeting cards on Valentine’s Day, how personal”, he adds sarcastically.

Don’t get me wrong, I love it when my husband does something special, surprises me with flowers, or my favorite treats. But, it means so much more when it is done on a random Thursday and for no reason at all – just because. In turn, I love doing the same for him. It sucks all the glory out of it when they designate a day for it. Suddenly, an honest act of love and affection becomes obligatory.

If I may be honest, I am guilty of contributing to the madness that has become “hurry-up-and-get-something-it’s-Valentine’s Day” fiasco. Like a good wife and mother, I have treats hidden all around the house for him and our children as well (from the both of us).

Yup.  Among the goodies there actually IS a heart-shaped football “filled with those gamble chocolates”.

And, just like that – the vicious cycle continues!

Dare I say…Happy Valentine’s Day, all!

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