7 Reasons Why Chris Christie is Bad for Liberty

4. He advocates a perpetual war footing

christie army

At the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Christie said Monday that “American power is in retreat.” Indeed, he believes America should be the policeman of the world, calling for us to “lead the world” with an enlarged military. Christie believes by bolstering our presence with an increase to 500,000 Army soldiers, 185,000 Marines, 350 Naval ships from the current 260 ships, and an expanded Air Force, we can take on what he believes are growing threats.

A Christie administration would be “applying pressure” to “threats” like Russia, China and North Korea. Christie especially feels that Russia needs to be countered with a heavier NATO presence in Eastern Europe.

Of course, we all know such a policy would have to be coupled with compromises to our liberty. Indeed, Christie was quite outspoken in his support for the Patriot Act, reminiscing about his time as a U.S. attorney where he used it “to go after terror.”

RELATED: Chris Christie Says We Must Sacrifice Liberty For Security

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