5 Types of “Libertarians” That Are Actually Socialists

#3. Social Justice Warriors


While most SJWs will identify as socialists of one stripe or another, some very confused libertarians keep asserting Marxist views on society based on collectivist labels of gender, race, or class.

Libertarians are individualists. Individualists reject the notion that all people sharing certain traits or features have the same life experiences, the same views, culture, or hardships. SJW’s view society through collectivist lenses. They don’t examine the individual, they identify individuals only as part of groups in conflict with other groups.

They are constantly looking at and discussing oppression of groups by other groups or institutions. This classification of everyone into groups ignores the real complexities of individuals. All white people are not the same. All black people are not the same. This seems elementary, but without this assumption the SJW’s outlook is rendered useless.

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