A Challenger To Lindsey Graham Emerges! (VIDEO)

“We’ll stand with Ted Cruz! We’ll stand with Rand Paul!”

South Carolina state Senator Lee Bright is planning on taking on “enemy number one” of personal freedom in South Carolina… Lindsey Graham.

43-year-old Bright represents the limited government wing of the Republican party, and he’s blasting Senator Graham for compromising on the budget vote that ended the government shutdown. “We didn’t get anything out of the deal. Nothing. We surrendered again,” he said.

South Carolina State Senator Lee Bright

Bright is planning on joining the Tea Party senators as part of the “cage-rattling” caucus on Capitol Hill. “We’ll stand with Ted Cruz, we’ll stand with Rand Paul, we’ll stand with Mike Lee. You’ll have a fourth up there fighting the battle,” Bright said. “I’m ready to go to war.”

Graham’s coffers are full, and he’s ready for battle with Bright. The sitting senator reportedly has $6.9 million ready to take aim at any challengers. Bright reportedly has $100k.

But, Bright doesn’t care. Bright doesn’t give a… Well, let’s just say he’s not backing down without a fight. Bright just won the support of the Lowcountry GOP Liberty Caucus. So he’ll have grassroots support to help make him viable until the perfect storm could arise and help David take out Goliath.

Help us Obi-Lee. You’re our only hope.