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11 Famous People You Didn’t Realize Were Dumb Enough To Support Bernie Sanders

By Lina Bryce

126 celebrities, musicians, and self-proclaimed “cultural leaders of America” excitedly announced their “new vision for our country” by endorsing Sen. Bernie Sanders for president recently. Some of these individuals, many natives of socialist countries, were in favor of Sanders over the socialist-lite, Hillary Clinton. There are others who openly endorsed the Vermont Senator who were born in the U.S. that overcame many obstacles before achieving the American dream and financial success. These are famous people who, frankly, you wouldn’t think were dumb enough to support Bernie Sanders.

1. Ben & Jerry’s Co-Founders

(Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield)

It’s no secret that the co-founders of Ben & Jerry are super liberal, but they aren’t your typical limousine liberals. They are straight-up socialists.

Since selling off their public company, they demonize the system that enabled them the opportunity to get rich! A book details how they started their business with How Two Real Guys Built a Business with a Social Conscience and a Sense of Humor. Perhaps their follow-up can be How Two Guys Got Rich and Prevented Anyone Else from Doing the Same by Supporting a Socialist For President.

Cohen told CNN in an interview that they would have an ice cream named after the Vermont Senator. “The giant chip on the top represents all the wealth that’s gone to the top 1% of the population over the last 10 years. And the way you eat it is, you whack it with your spoon and then you mix it around,” he said. “Another idea would be to name it “Bernie’s Rebellion” and would include “all good things.”

I suggest a container half-empty to represent the half you owe to those who can’t afford ice cream and name it “Feel the Freezer Bern.”

2. Sarah Silverman

Silverman is very vocal about her support for the Vermont Senator. “He says what he means & he means what he says & he’s not for sale,” she said on Twitter.

She took jabs at billionaires Charles and David Koch by mispronouncing their last name to be an expletive while warming up a crowd of over 27,000 people at a campaign rally in Los Angeles this year. What she may not know is that the Koch brothers are for gay marriage, ending wars, legalizing drugs, and all the other hippie-dippie crap that she and her stupid liberal friends believe in. But since Silverman is a total idiot, she’s going to repeat every stupid piece of crap opinion that she hears her coke-snorting Hollywood friends bleat like the sheep that they are.

She’s funny and her mockery is what makes her a pretty decent comedienne; knowledge on economics? Not so much.

3. Ronda Rousey

Ronda Rousey broke every feminist libertarian’s heart last week when she announced that she was throwing her support for Sanders.

The Ultimate Fighting Championship champion lost her title soon thereafter, making many of her disenchanted fans feel shamelessly vindicated, resulting in even Donald Trump taking to Twitter to celebrate Rousey’s loss.

“I’m voting for Bernie Sanders, because he doesn’t take any corporate money,” Rousey told Maxim Magazine recently. “I don’t think politicians should be allowed to take money for their campaigns from outside interests.”

Says the girl whose estimated net worth is five million dollars. If she hasn’t felt the “Bern” yet, she’s going to if he’s ever elected president.

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4. Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell was one of the artists who signed the endorsement for Bernie Sanders. The biggest problem we noted with that was his father’s line of work. His father was Roy Lee Ferrell, Jr., a musician with The Righteous Brothers in the 60s. As a person in show business, his paychecks were never steady and he was gone from home months at a time. Growing up in the environment made Ferrell not want to go into show business, but get a steady job. Evidently, Farrell had a change of heart. Perhaps money was the key motivator?

No worries, Ferrell. Bernie’s plan will tax the rich until there aren’t any rich people anymore and then you can be in show business or a McDonald’s employee and be compensated equally. Fair is fair.

RELATED: The Stupidity of Sanders’ Minimum Wage Plan

5. Lewis Black

Lewis Black, the belligerent comedian who often rants angrily about social trends and politics is in reality, a socialist. Maybe you already knew he was dumb enough to support Bernie then?

In an interview with the Phoenix New Times he said, “Republicans are funnier because they’re stupid, and stupid is funny, but the Democrats are dumb and dumb isn’t funny. Stupid, you laugh and go, “Wow, why’d you say that?” Dumb, you just stare into space and go, “Please don’t say that again. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”

Dumb, as in Sanders’ statement on higher education, where he said, “Education should be a right, not a privilege. We need a revolution in the way that the United States funds higher education.” This statement, much like Black’s stand-up, can be taken as entertaining at face value, but once closely examined, you realize it’s just a bunch of combative chatter with no substance or practical application. Free college is a great way to ensure that a college education becomes worthless. Almost as worthless as all these idiot celebrities and their opinions on politics.

RELATED: Top Five Dumbest Quotes From Socialist Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders

6. Dave Matthews

Dave Matthews has previously advocated for Democratic candidates such as John Kerry and Barack Obama, but this time he’s decided to blindly follow the other liberal-socialists who are off the reservation by joining the other artists/advocate who signed the open-letter.

Born in South Africa, Matthews sees much of the criticism against Obama as racist, claiming he sees a lot of racism everywhere.

In a September 28, 2015 interview with Rolling Stone, Matthews said that “when I hear someone like Bernie Sanders talking, I think there’s a hope.”

Now we know what his song “Space Between” is really about; It’s what’s lacking between his ears.

RELATED: Is Bernie Sanders the Rand Paul of the Left?

7. Steve Wozniak

Wozniak has frequently identified with left-wing politics, according to the Huffington Post. He has said that he was a “civil rights believer” who wants to push for privacy and human rights.

Someone may want to inform him of Senator Rand Paul’s 10-hour filibuster against the “Freedom Act,” which allows NSA Authority for blanket spying.

Maybe Wozniak missed it. Either that, or he just prefers that future inventors be strangled by Bernie’s highly regulated markets, contrary to the less-regulated system he found entrepreneurial and financial success in.

Begging the question asked by The Libertarian Republic staff member, Avens O’Brien , “How do you feel about Uber? Seriously?”

RELATED: Bernie Sanders Bashes Uber, Uses It For All His Taxi Rides

8. Wil Wheaton


Wil Wheaton has been quoted saying, “I’ve done a lot of geeky things in my life, but I think the geekiest of all was my first effort to build props and cosplay, when I was about twelve years-old.”

It’s a shame that one of them wasn’t reading economic theory. It wouldn’t have to be heavy stuff, just a basic 101 on Supply and Demand would be enough to smack the irrational part of his brain that thinks socialism is a compassionate economic policy.


RELATED: Socialism is Not Hipster and Real Hippies Love Free Markets

9. Bill Maher


Bill Maher says that “Americans are too stupid to vote for Bernie Sanders”, but we know better. Despite his belief that Americans currently love socialism and just don’t know it yet, the reality that these current social programs are economically unsustainable eludes the comedian.

In Business Standard News, Bill is quoted saying, “Of all the candidates in the race, Sanders makes the most sense. Of course that’s why the American public won’t vote for him. Bernie wants to scale back the Military Industrial Complex, end mass incarceration and introduce universal health care. But who wants that?”

While he gets the impact of systemic oppression of government policies by agreeing to scaling back the Military Industrial Complex, and ending mass incarceration, he lacks the same logic by not acknowledging what a government monopoly does to healthcare.

He still thinks that he can help the Senator from Vermont help Americans come to terms with socialism and what he presumes is a messaging problem.

And not the fact that America is a country that is quintessentially and philosophically the opposite of socialism.

RELATED: 10 Socialist Policies Implemented In The United States

10. Neil Young

Neil Young is a Canadian singer-songwriter who is also an ardent socialist. Recently he tweeted his disgust with campaign financing and was also one of the 126 celebrities who felt compelled to sign an open letter urging others to #FeelTheBern!

If Neil doesn’t get a quick refresher on what the First Amendment really means, he may find himself in a bit of a dilemma with this followers on social media who may not agree with his political views.

Hey Neil, if big money corporations shouldn’t donate to their favorite candidates under Citizens United, then we should also amend that to include high-profile celebrities like yourself. Celebrities who endorse a political candidate use their prestige and fame to influence the masses with a larger public platform. That’s just as unfair.

RELATED: Four Years Later: Citizens United Has Created More Competitive Elections

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