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What We Will Lose if Hillary Clinton Wins

Hillary Clinton

With so many intent on turning this election into a contest of which candidate is worse, I thought it would be prudent to discuss what we stand to lose from both a Clinton and Trump presidency.

Hillary Clinton recently refused to admit that individuals have a right to bear arms, openly dismissing the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution. It reaffirms one the major concerns of the right; that a Clinton presidency would mean a war on gun ownership.

Related: What We Will Lose if Donald Trump Wins

Watch Hillary dismiss the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans (Article continued below): 

Clinton’s push to hold gun manufacturers liable when their guns are used in crimes would essentially end gun manufacturing in the U.S., as the liability risks would be much too high. Never mind how illogical this position is or how such a standard could be applied to other industries such as cars — this has nothing to do with logic. Hillary is using gun control and women’s issues to paint herself as a crusader. If she is elected, this may be her number 1 issue.

Related: Hillary Ad Threatens Existence of U.S. Gun Manufacturers 

Now, to be fair, Barack Obama also brought a lot of tough talk on guns to the office when he was elected and he has been largely unsuccessful at turning that rhetoric into policy. To be sure, federal gun control is a very difficult (and unconstitutional) hill to climb in this country. But even if Hillary cannot get legislation passed, she has another avenue.

It is possible that the next president will have the opportunity to appoint multiple Supreme Court Justices — some believe that as many as four appointments will be made by whomever wins in November. These lifetime appointments can have a massive, long-term effect on U.S. law and policy. The import of these appointments cannot be overstated.

Finally, Hillary has shown herself to be fast and loose with national security information and highly corruptible. Her war in Libya seems to have been born from business interests and foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation have been getting serious scrutiny. Allegations of paying for political favors have been raised with enough frequency to give any rational voter concern.

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