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Kent State Gun Girl’s “Liberty Hangout” Org Attacks Pro-Life Activist Abby Johnson

Liberty Hangout, best known for the activities of their director “Kent State Gun Girl” Kaitlin Bennett, went after pro-life activist and author Abby Johnson on Twitter Sunday after she tweeted her thoughts regarding the death of Ahmaud Arbery.

“I’m just gonna go ahead and say that NO MATTER what the situation, it’s not okay to shoot someone on a public sidewalk because they aren’t listening to your (a regular Joe Schmo) “commands.” Get outta here with that redneck vigilantism. As a gun owner, that is standard knowledge.”, Johnson tweeted Sunday, referring to the two men who killed Arbery

“Hey Abby, how many kids did you kill again?” Liberty Hangout responded, referring to her former job as a director of a Planned Parenthood clinic.

“I facilitated about 22,000 deaths. Never any directly, but I was certainly complicit. I would love to know what that has to do with this convo,” Johnson responded.

The Liberty Hangout account then had the gall to retweet Abby’s original post saying “I think a woman who mass murdered 22,000 kids in Planned Parenthood and killed her own children should probably sit this one out.”

 “So a recovering alcoholic can’t speak on alcoholism? A former Planned Parenthood director can’t speak on abortion? How far do you really want to go down this road? Should St. Paul’s letters in the Bible be excluded?”, Johnson responded 

To which the folks at Liberty Hangout then attempted to compare Johnson to Judas Iscariot saying, “Well considering you slander abolitionists, fight against people that want to outlaw abortion, and block anyone that questions your motives, no I don’t think I’d compare you to Saint Paul at all. Maybe Judas Iscariot.”

An individual’s right to live is the chief liberty upon which all other human liberties rest. If you strip away a person’s right to life, it is like taking a wrecking ball to the foundation of a house. As a pro-life libertarian, I understand that without a firm understanding of the rights of a child, even in the mother’s womb, our ideological home is nothing more than a hollow shell.

It is also worth noting that Liberty Hangout is not really a Libertarian organization at all, but a right-wing authoritarian organization masquerading as a liberty friendly outlet. If one had the time, a book could be written on all the ways Liberty Hangout doesn’t understand personal or economic freedom. But for the sake of time, I’ll point out just a few instances in which Liberty Hangout’s true statist colors were showing.

“You’re not a real libertarian if you don’t want to build the wall, deport everyone here illegally, halt all legal immigration until it is reformed, and disenfranchise welfare recipients. You don’t shrink the state by letting in people that want to grow it.”, Liberty Hangout tweeted on January 10, 2020. 

No self-respecting Libertarian would advocate for the restriction of immigration as an attempt to halt or stop immigration would be harmful to economic progress.

Liberty Hangout also tweeted, “I’d rather live under a Catholic monarchy than a liberal democracy,” on February 6, 2020. Regardless of a Libertarians’ faith or lack thereof, no one would advocate that any society should adopt a theocracy. Theocracies are a threat to all people because the tyrants in positions of power will always attempt to suppress anyone who doesn’t submit to the State’s idea of who God is and how He should or shouldn’t be worshiped. 

As for Liberty Hangout’s attempt to smear Abby Johnson and her beautiful work spreading love and fighting for the rights of unborn children to live, how could any person or organization who claims to believe in the God of the Christian Bible compare someone who is fighting for the rights of society’s most vulnerable to arguably the worst traitor in the history of the planet?

Yes, Abby Johnson was once a woman who oversaw the shedding of innocent blood as someone who worked for America’s largest abortion provider. But she is now one of the nation’s most powerful pro-life advocates. As a Christian, I am glad that Jesus doesn’t look at people for what they used to be, but instead loves the whole world enough to take our death so that we may live in the fullness of His life.

If anyone who claims to be a Christian doesn’t understand this, may I suggest that you open up your Bible again and reread the story of Saul of Tarsus, who was a murderer who killed Christians before he had an encounter with Jesus. This is the same man who became the Apostle Paul, who is credited with about a third of what we now call the New Testament. The same man who wrote the words,  “therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.”

I am also glad that Jesus came to set people free instead of putting the chains of tyranny on them as he said in Luke 4:18 (AMPC) “The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon Me, because He has anointed Me [the Anointed One, the Messiah] to preach the good news (the Gospel) to the poor; He has sent Me to announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed [who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity].”

As a libertarian Christian, I live by the words that were almost on America’s national seal: Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. That resistance includes exposing the motives of tyrants who come in the name of freedom but seek to contaminate Libertarianism with religious fascism.

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