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Top 5 Things Rand Paul Can Do To Reboot His Campaign

Paul’s Path to the Nomination is Still Clear

by Josh Guckert

The second prime-time Republican debate is tomorrow night on CNN, and no candidate has more to gain than Senator Rand Paul. Having been considered a front-runner for more than a year, Paul’s polling numbers have taken a hit as the race has focused on political newcomers like Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina. However, it is likely that these other candidates do not have the same staying power as Rand Paul does. At this point, Paul’s campaign just has to strike the right notes in order to leap to the front of the field. Here are five suggestions as to what Senator Paul can do:

1. Tune Out the Negative Vibes

This Presidential election is not going to be won in September (or October, November or December). Senator Paul must only maintain his position “on the stage” (both literally and figuratively) in order to retain relevance. There are plenty, from all parts of the political spectrum, who would love nothing more than to see the Paul campaign fail so that they can gloat about having been “right” that such an unorthodox candidate cannot succeed. But when it comes to campaign season, these are the times that try men’s souls. Paul cannot be shaken by that which is beyond his control; he must rather stay on message and continue to be the statesman who has captivated audiences across the country. All campaigns face struggles; it is how these campaigns handle this adversity which define what they become.

2. Be a Different Kind of Republican

In a field of 16 candidates, it is easy for voters to get lost as to who is who. However, this should be an advantage for Rand Paul, as he is easily the most unique of the field. Paul has recently begun again elaborating upon this point, as he has courted young voters with his already-successful Students for Rand initiative. He has also spoken extensively about his opposition to NSA spying, as well as the War on Drugs and foreign interventionism.

While some more “traditional” Republicans may cringe at such propositions, Paul is likely the only GOP contender who is willing to candidly discuss these issues. Even if the sect of the electorate which he is courting on these issues is small, he can distinguish himself and solidify small coalitions which can amount to significant pluralities in a crowded primary field.

3. Outlast, Outwit, Outplay

Already this cycle, we’ve seen candidates go up and down in the polls. One-time “likely nominee” Scott Walker is now sinking to the bottom along with Jeb Bush, while former “also-rans” like Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina are near the top. This fluctuation should continue for months before the nominee is finally chosen. Meanwhile, Chris Christie, Rick Santorum, Lindsey Graham, George Pataki, Bobby Jindal and Jim Gilmore seem closer and closer to joining Rick Perry as a withdrawn candidate. It is for this reason that Paul must simply play the “invisible primary” in the background, racking up endorsements and donors while building coalitions. Other candidates may rely on poll numbers as their sole evidence of viability, but Paul’s campaign consists of significantly more than that.

4. Sit Back and Enjoy the Show

Senator Paul became one of the first to attack Donald Trump during the first debate. In the time since, however, Trump has attacked nearly every candidate in the race, thus likely leading to more verbal combat amongst the field. It would appear that Paul’s job is done: he has “planted the seed” in the minds of other Republicans that it is acceptable to attack Trump. Now, he would be wise to allow the rest to immerse themselves in pettiness while Paul rises above, talking about the principles and ideas that no other Republican candidates will consider. Unlike so many of the rest, Paul has never made his message about his ego; he has consistently built his platform upon ideas. This will certainly serve him well as so few others have formulated concrete plans.

5. Continue the Revolution

Americans have grown tired of politics as usual. Accordingly, they likely won’t be enthused if they feel as if this election will be just like any other. Of course, every candidate stresses that the upcoming election is the most important of all time. However, few have the ability to articulate why voting for their ideas will permanently change things for the better. Senator Paul can explain that he’s truly a candidate who will change things forever in the White House: he will balance budgets, reform government and bring an end to the criminalization of victimless acts.

One of the reasons why President Obama was able to excite so many in 2008 is because of this very sentiment: he was able to make voters feel as if their government would be accountable to them once again. Of course, the reality was much more dark, but winning elections and governing are separate issues.

If Senator Paul is to win in 2016, he must ignite in Americans a sense of duty to defend liberty.

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