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Time to put the race hustlers out of business?

People Can Do Amazing Things When They Don’t Have Someone Saying They Can’t

Famed black economist Thomas Sowell never minces words when it comes to race. His career has been devoted to debunking the race myths and liberal legends of welfare redistribution that do nothing but harm minorities.

His new column today describes how to put the race hustlers out of business and the answer can be found in the simple story of a honeybee.

Sowell writes:

Years ago, someone said that, according to the laws of aerodynamics, bumblebees cannot fly. But the bumblebees, not knowing the laws of aerodynamics, go ahead and fly anyway. Something like this happens among people.

He goes on to describe how many Asians come to America with nothing. Through time and hard work they create better lives for themselves. Why? Because they don’t have leaders telling them they can’t.

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Sowell writes in his essay a story of when a young black student came to him and asked what hope he could ever have. It was distressing to Sowell because, even in the 1950’s when there was strong discrimination, he had never seen people who were so without hope. Sowell goes on to say:

“The memory of that Marquette student came back to me, years later, when another black young man said that he had wanted to become a pilot, and had even planned to join the Air Force in order to do so. But then, he said, he now “realized” that “The Man” would never allow a black guy to become a pilot. This was said decades after a whole squadron of black fighter plane pilots made a reputation for themselves in World War II, as the “Tuskegee Airmen.” There have been black generals in the Air Force.”

Sowell knows all too well the reason that these young black men don’t believe in themselves. It’s because of racial ‘leaders’ like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. He writes how they don’t have these kinds of race hustlers in the Asian community, although he admits of course no human race is completely lacking in fools. Still, it seems like the black community would be better off without race hustlers convincing them how they can’t accomplishing things on their own without government.

Would you agree?

Read the full column by economist Thomas Sowell here.

RELATED: Sowell Destroys Racialism and Feminism In Under Five Minutes

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